Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Trunk Stability Push-Up Test

The Trunk Stability Push-Up Test (TSPU) is an essential component of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and a variation of the traditional push-up fitness test. This test evaluates core strength and trunk stability by assessing the ability to perform push-ups while maintaining a straight body position without any sagging.

Purpose and Equipment

The primary purpose of the Trunk Stability Push-Up Test is to measure trunk stability and determine the suitability for push-up training. It requires a flat and clean surface.

Test Procedure

To perform the Trunk Stability Push-Up Test, the participant assumes a face-down position with their hands shoulder-width apart. For men, the thumbs should align with the top of the head, while for women, the thumbs should align with the chin. The legs should be together, and the toes should touch the ground.

When ready, the participant stiffens their body and extends their elbows, raising their body off the floor as a single unit. The goal is to keep the torso and legs in a straight line throughout the movement. If the participant is unable to complete the movement as described, they can move their hands closer to their body so that the thumbs align with either the chin (men) or clavicles (women). The test can be repeated a second time if necessary.


The quality of the push-up is evaluated to determine if the body is raised as a unit without any sagging. The scoring system ranges from 0 to 3:

  • 0: Failed to complete the test due to pain (requires medical assessment)
  • 1: Failed to complete the test without pain
  • 2: Successfully completed the test from the chin (men) or clavicles (women)
  • 3: Successfully completed the test from the top of the head (men) or chin (women)
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Variations and Related Tests

There are several variations and related tests that focus on core stability and upper-body strength:

  • Isometric Push-Up Test: Participants hold a raised push-up position for up to 40 seconds.
  • Plank Fitness Test: Participants hold the plank position for as long as possible.
  • Side Ramp Fitness Test: Participants hold the side-ramp position for as long as possible.
  • Isometric Back Strength Test: Participants hold a horizontal position while hanging over the edge of a bench for a set time period.
  • Push-Up (Seated): Participants extend their arms and raise their body out of a chair, holding the position for as long as possible (part of the Brockport Protocol).


Q: What is the primary purpose of the Trunk Stability Push-Up Test?
A: The primary purpose of this test is to measure trunk stability and assess the suitability for push-up training.

Q: How is the Trunk Stability Push-Up Test scored?
A: The test is scored on a scale of 0 to 3, with 0 indicating a failed attempt due to pain and 3 indicating a successful completion from the top of the head (for men) or chin (for women).

Q: Are there any variations or related tests to the Trunk Stability Push-Up Test?
A: Yes, variations and related tests include the Isometric Push-Up Test, Plank Fitness Test, Side Ramp Fitness Test, Isometric Back Strength Test, and Push-Up (Seated).


The Trunk Stability Push-Up Test is a valuable assessment tool for evaluating core strength and trunk stability. By performing this test, individuals can determine their suitability for push-up training and work towards improving their overall fitness levels.

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For more information and resources on fitness testing and exercise techniques, visit Auralpressure.