Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

20 Yard Agility Test

The 20 Yard Agility Test is a fundamental assessment of an athlete’s ability to accelerate, decelerate, change direction, and accelerate again. This test is widely used in various sports to evaluate agility and quickness. In this article, we will delve into the details of the 20 Yard Agility Test, its purpose, equipment required, and the proper procedure to conduct the test effectively.

Purpose of the Test

The primary objective of the 20 Yard Agility Test is to measure an athlete’s ability to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction rapidly. This test is crucial in sports that require quick changes in direction, such as basketball, soccer, football, and tennis. By evaluating an athlete’s performance in this test, coaches and trainers can assess their agility and identify areas for improvement.

Equipment Required

To conduct the 20 Yard Agility Test, you will need the following equipment:

  • Start/stop timing gates or stopwatch
  • Tape measure
  • Non-slip running surface
  • Cone markers
  • Marker cones

Test Procedure

  1. Set up three marker cones in a straight line, exactly five yards apart – cones B, A (center), and C.
  2. Place a line across each cone using marking tape.
  3. Position the timer at the level of the center A cone, facing the athlete.
  4. Instruct the athlete to straddle the center cone A with their feet at an equal distance apart and parallel to the line of cones.
  5. When the athlete is ready, they should run to cone B, touching the line with either foot, then turn and accelerate to cone C, touching the line, and finally finish by accelerating through the line at cone A.
  6. Start the stopwatch on the first movement of the athlete and stop it when the athlete’s torso crosses the center line at cone A.
  7. Record the best time of two trials.
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It is essential to encourage athletes to accelerate through the finish line to achieve their best possible result.

The Test in Action

The 20 Yard Agility Test is a widely recognized assessment of agility and is frequently used in various sports. In the past, it was even included as part of the testing battery for the USA Women’s Soccer Team. Moreover, the NFL also incorporates a similar test, known as the 20 Yard Shuttle, in their Combine Testing. Although the starting position and hand-touching lines are different in the NFL version, the core principles remain the same.

Similar Tests

In addition to the 20 Yard Agility Test, there are several other tests that evaluate an athlete’s agility and quickness:

  • NFL 20-yard shuttle: This test requires athletes to run 5-10-5 yards, similar to the 20 Yard Agility Test, but they touch the lines with their hands.
  • 30 ft shuttle run: Athletes move blocks from one end of a 30ft distance to the other, testing their agility and speed.
  • 60 yards shuttle: This test involves running to 5 yards, 10 yards, and 15 yards, and then returning, totaling 60 yards.
  • 300 yards shuttle: Athletes run 25 yards and back, repeating this for a total of 12 runs (300 yards).

These tests can provide further insights into an athlete’s agility and quickness, complementing the information obtained from the 20 Yard Agility Test.


Q: Is the 20 Yard Agility Test suitable for all sports?

A: The 20 Yard Agility Test is applicable to a wide range of sports that require quick changes in direction. However, different sports may have specific agility tests tailored to their needs.

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Q: How can athletes improve their performance in the 20 Yard Agility Test?

A: Enhancing agility requires a combination of strength, flexibility, and technique. Athletes can benefit from incorporating agility drills, plyometric exercises, and proper training programs into their routines. Working with a qualified coach or trainer can help athletes develop the skills necessary to excel in this test.


The 20 Yard Agility Test is a valuable tool for assessing an athlete’s ability to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction quickly. By incorporating this test into training programs and talent identification processes, coaches and trainers can gain valuable insights into an athlete’s agility and make informed decisions. Remember to combine the 20 Yard Agility Test with other relevant assessments to obtain a comprehensive understanding of an athlete’s overall performance.

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