Friday, 20 Sep 2024

Shoulder Circumduction Test

The Shoulder Circumduction Test is a valuable assessment for measuring shoulder flexibility. It involves passing a sliding handle over the head while holding a cord. The results take into account shoulder width and arm length. This test is particularly useful for evaluating the flexibility of the elderly.


The primary purpose of the Shoulder Circumduction Test is to measure shoulder flexibility. By assessing the range of motion and angle of fanning out during the movement, this test provides valuable insights into a person’s shoulder flexibility.


To perform the Shoulder Circumduction Test, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the participant’s arm length from the acromion to the metacarpal phalanx joint of the middle finger using a tape measure. This measurement will be used in the calculation of the results.
  2. Next, measure the participant’s shoulder width from acromion to acromion.
  3. Adjust the sliding handle of the cord so that the length between the inside of the two handles is equivalent to the participant’s shoulder width.
  4. With extended arms, the participant passes the cord from in front of the body over the head as far back as possible. Encourage participants to keep their arms from fanning out more than necessary to complete the movement.


After a practice trial, record the best score out of three trials. Higher scores indicate better performance. The score is calculated using the following formula:

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Score Angle (°) = arc cos (S/2L)

Where “S” represents how much the sliding handle shifted in centimeters during the movement, and “L” represents the length of the arm in centimeters from acromion to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the middle finger.

Target Population

The Shoulder Circumduction Test was specifically designed for the elderly population. It is an effective tool for assessing shoulder flexibility in this age group.


Q: Is the Shoulder Circumduction Test suitable for individuals of all fitness levels?

A: Yes, the Shoulder Circumduction Test can be performed by individuals of varying fitness levels. It provides valuable insights into shoulder flexibility, regardless of overall fitness.

Q: How can I improve my shoulder flexibility?

A: To improve shoulder flexibility, consider incorporating shoulder stretches and exercises into your routine. Consult with a qualified fitness professional or physical therapist to learn proper techniques.


The Shoulder Circumduction Test is a valuable assessment tool that measures shoulder flexibility. By evaluating the range of motion and angle of fanning out during the movement, this test provides useful information for individuals, particularly the elderly. Incorporating this test into fitness assessments can help identify areas for improvement and guide tailored exercise programs. For more information on shoulder flexibility and related exercises, visit Auralpressure.