Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

800-Meter Run Test

The 800-meter run test is a versatile assessment that can be considered both an anaerobic capacity test and an aerobic fitness test. It is an excellent measure of an individual’s speed and endurance. In this article, we will explore the procedure, scoring, advantages, and disadvantages of the 800-meter run test, as well as provide information on similar tests and related pages.


The aim of the 800-meter run test is to complete the course as quickly as possible. Participants line up behind the starting line, and upon the command ‘go,’ the clock starts, and they begin running at their own pace. Cheering and calling out elapsed time is allowed to motivate participants to perform their best.


The total time taken to run 800 meters is recorded. Use the table below to obtain a rating based on the test time for adults.

Test Time (minutes) Rating
Less than 2:00 Excellent
2:00-2:20 Good
2:20-2:40 Average
2:40-3:00 Below Average
Over 3:00 Poor

Advantages and Disadvantages

The 800-meter run test offers several advantages. It allows for testing large groups simultaneously and is a cost-effective and straightforward assessment. However, the test requires practice and pacing to maximize performance, and results can be influenced by motivation levels.

Similar Tests

If you’re interested in similar tests, consider the 1-kilometer run test, which measures how fast you can run one kilometer, or the 300-meter run test, which assesses anaerobic capacity.

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Related Pages

For more information on anaerobic capacity tests, middle distance track and field events, and intermittent sports fitness testing, check out the related pages section.


Q: What is the purpose of the 800-meter run test?
A: The 800-meter run test measures an individual’s anaerobic capacity and aerobic fitness.

Q: How is the 800-meter run test scored?
A: The total time taken to run 800 meters is recorded, and a rating is assigned based on the table provided in the article.

Q: Can large groups be tested using the 800-meter run test?
A: Yes, the 800-meter run test is ideal for testing large groups simultaneously.

Q: Are there any disadvantages to the 800-meter run test?
A: One disadvantage is that the test requires practice and pacing to achieve optimal results and may be influenced by motivation levels.

Q: Are there any similar tests to the 800-meter run test?
A: Yes, two similar tests include the 1-kilometer run test and the 300-meter run test.


The 800-meter run test is a versatile assessment that measures an individual’s anaerobic capacity and aerobic fitness. It involves running 800 meters in the quickest time possible. The test offers advantages such as the ability to test large groups simultaneously and its cost-effectiveness. However, it requires practice and pacing to optimize performance, and results can be influenced by motivation levels. In conclusion, the 800-meter run test is an excellent tool for evaluating an individual’s speed and endurance.

For more information on the 800-meter run test, similar tests, and related pages, visit

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