Friday, 20 Sep 2024

Beep Test Scores: A Guide to Aerobic Endurance Testing

The Beep Test, officially known as the Multistage Shuttle Run Test, is a widely used test of aerobic fitness, commonly performed by team sports and school groups. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Beep Test, discuss its variations, and explore some of the top performances achieved by athletes.

What is the Beep Test?

The Beep Test involves running back and forth between two markers placed 20 meters apart. Participants must reach the opposite marker before the next beep sounds. As the test progresses, the time between beeps decreases, requiring participants to run faster to keep up. The test measures aerobic endurance, reflecting an individual’s ability to supply oxygen to the muscles during physical activity.

It is worth noting that there are different versions of the Beep Test, and the specific version used may vary. Results should be considered in light of the test version, as different versions may yield different outcomes. It is also important to clarify that the Yo-Yo test is often mistakenly referred to as the Beep Test.

Top Performances for Males

Many notable performances in the Beep Test have been reported, although some are still unverified. Here are a few noteworthy examples:

  • David Beckham, Lance Armstrong, and Neil Back: There are rumors that these athletes completed the Beep Test with remarkable scores. However, it is highly unlikely that any individual has achieved the maximum level of 23 on the commonly used version of the test.

  • Chris Colwill: The Australian 400m/800m athlete reportedly achieved a score of 18/5 in Mackay in 2008. This achievement was recorded during a video session at the Mackay hockey grounds.

  • Dan Finster: As part of the National Speed Skating team, Finster claimed to have completed the Beep Test with a score of 17.9 at the South Australian Institute of Sports in 2002.

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Disputed High Scores

Some high scores reported in the Beep Test have been subject to debate. Here are a few examples:

  • Håkan Mild: There are reports of the football player achieving a score of 19/2. However, given that this score exceeds other recorded scores, it is likely attributed to the Yo-Yo test, commonly used to assess soccer players.

  • Graham Bashop: It has been reported that Graham Bashop, an All Black Rugby Union scrum-half, achieved level 19 in the early ’90s. Like previous cases, this result may also be a result of the Yo-Yo test.

  • Kini Qereqeretabua: This Fijian rugby union player allegedly achieved a score of 17/1 in 2007. This achievement is particularly impressive considering his weight of 103kg.

Top Performances for Females

While there are fewer documented top performances for females in the Beep Test, here are a few notable examples:

  • Suzie Muirhead and Diana Weavers: These field hockey players achieved a score of 15/0 during testing conducted by the New Zealand Field Hockey team in March 2007.

  • Heather Anderson: An AFL player, Anderson achieved a score of 14/5 during the AFL Talent Search screening in Darwin.

  • Micaela Cocks: A New Zealand basketball player, Cocks achieved a score of 14/0 while playing for the Oregon University women’s basketball team in 2007.

Other Beep Test Records

In addition to the individual performances mentioned above, there have been other notable feats related to the Beep Test:

  • Matthew Gardner: An RAF trainer from Doncaster, UK, attempted a record by having 20 teams of four people continuously perform the Beep Test. Each team member completed the test 24 times, resulting in a total of approximately 40,000 meters per person.

  • Mike Buss: An Ultra Endurance Athlete, Buss apparently set six world records in running the Beep Test while carrying different weights and wearing a full Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare Suit. Unfortunately, the details of his achievements are not available.

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For a comprehensive list of beep test scores across various sports, it would be best to visit Auralpressure.


Q: How is the Beep Test performed?
A: The Beep Test involves running back and forth between two markers placed 20 meters apart. Participants must reach the opposite marker before the next beep sounds.

Q: What is the purpose of the Beep Test?
A: The Beep Test is used to assess an individual’s aerobic endurance, which is essential for many team sports and overall fitness.

Q: Are there different versions of the Beep Test?
A: Yes, there are variations of the Beep Test, and the specific version used can affect the test results.

Q: How do I improve my Beep Test score?
A: Improving your Beep Test score requires consistent training focused on aerobic endurance, speed, and agility. Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercises and interval training can be beneficial.


The Beep Test is a widely used assessment of aerobic endurance in sports and fitness contexts. While the achievement of exceptionally high scores may be subject to debate, the test remains a valuable tool for assessing an individual’s fitness levels. Whether you are an athlete or someone looking to improve their aerobic fitness, the Beep Test can provide valuable insights into your endurance capabilities.