Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test (SRiT)

The Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test (SRiT) is a modified version of the 10m beep test specifically designed for individuals with Cerebral Palsy (CP) classified at levels III and IV on the Gross Motor Function Classification System. This test aims to evaluate the physical fitness of wheelchair users, particularly children with CP.

Purpose of the Test

The purpose of the Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test is to assess the aerobic endurance of individuals who use wheelchairs. By measuring their ability to propel their wheelchair between two markers, this test provides valuable insights into their fitness level.

Equipment Required

To conduct the Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test, you will need cones, a flat hard surface, and an audio recording. You can create your own audio recording using the Team Beeptest software.

Pre-test Procedures

Before conducting the test, it is important to explain the procedures to the participants and screen for any health risks. Obtain informed consent and record basic information such as age, gender, and test conditions. Measure and mark out the test area. It is also essential to perform an appropriate warm-up. For detailed pre-test procedures, please refer to the guidelines.

Test Procedure

During the Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test, participants are required to propel their wheelchairs between two markers placed 10m apart. An audio signal determines the incremental speed at which they should move. The starting speed is 2 km/h, which increases by 0.25 km/h every minute. Participants are expected to continue until exhaustion, with strong verbal encouragement if necessary. The test ends when the participants are more than 1.5m away from the marker on two consecutive beeps. The total exercise time and heart rate at the end of the test are recorded.

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The score for the Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test is determined by the number of exercise levels achieved before participants are unable to keep up with the recording. Heart rate and subjective assessments such as sweating, facial flushing, and inability to propel the wheelchair are used to determine if maximal effort was achieved.

Target Population

The Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test is specifically designed to assess the aerobic fitness of individuals in wheelchairs, with a focus on people with cerebral palsy (CP).

Advantages and Disadvantages

One of the advantages of the Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test is its cost-effectiveness and ease of administration compared to other laboratory fitness tests for wheelchair users. Additionally, if space allows, multiple participants can be tested simultaneously. However, it is important to note that practice, motivation levels, wheelchair skill, and technique can influence the test score and make it subjective.

Additional Information

  • Participants are allowed to use their own personal wheelchairs. It is recommended to record the weight and description of the chair for each test session, and ideally, the same chair should be used for subsequent retesting.
  • The beep test recording for the Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test uses different timings than the standard beep test.
  • For further reference and research, you can refer to the study conducted by Olaf Verschuren, Maremka Zwinkels, Marjolijn Ketelaar, Femke Reijnders-van Son, and Tim Takken, titled “Reproducibility and Validity of the 10-Meter Shuttle Ride Test in Wheelchair-Using Children and Adolescents With Cerebral Palsy” published in the journal Physical Therapy, Volume 93, Issue 7 (July 2013).
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Q: Can individuals use their personal wheelchairs for the Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test?
A: Yes, participants are allowed to use their own personal wheelchairs. It is important to record the weight and description of the chair for each test session, and ideally, the same chair should be used for subsequent retesting.

Q: Is the beep test recording for the Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test the same as the standard beep test?
A: No, the beep test recording for the Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test uses different timings compared to the standard beep test.


The Wheelchair Shuttle Ride Test (SRiT) is a valuable assessment tool for evaluating the aerobic endurance of individuals who use wheelchairs, specifically those with cerebral palsy (CP). By conducting this test, professionals can gain insights into the fitness levels of wheelchair users and make informed decisions regarding their training and support.

For more information and resources related to wheelchair fitness testing and modified beep tests, visit Auralpressure.