Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

The Differences Between Canadian Football and American Football

American football and Canadian football may appear similar at first glance, but upon closer inspection, there are some important distinctions between these two styles of gridiron. In this article, we will explore the key differences between Canadian football and American football, shedding light on the unique characteristics of each game.

Number of Players

One of the most obvious differences between Canadian football and American football is the number of players on the field. In Canadian football, each team has twelve players on the field, while American football teams have just eleven players on each side.


Another notable difference lies in the timeouts. In the CFL (Canadian Football League), teams have one timeout per half, whereas in the NFL (National Football League), each team has three timeouts. Furthermore, the timing rules differ slightly, with players receiving a two-minute warning in the NFL and a three-minute warning in the CFL.


To advance the ball ten yards, teams in American football are allowed four downs, whereas in Canadian football, they are allowed just three downs. This distinction adds an extra layer of strategy to both games.


Scoring in both games follows a similar structure, with a safety worth two points, a field goal worth three points, a touchdown worth six points, and a conversion run worth two points. Additionally, a kicked extra point is worth one point in both forms of the game.

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However, the exception is the “rouge” or single point, which is unique to Canadian football. This single point is awarded when the kicking team punts the football or misses a field goal, and the receiving team catches it and decides not to run the ball out of their own end zone.


The timing of the regular seasons differs between the NFL and the CFL. The NFL regular season runs from September to early January, with the Super Bowl being played on the first Sunday of February. On the other hand, the CFL season begins in July and ends in November, with their version of the Super Bowl, the Grey Cup, being played on the last Sunday in November.

Additionally, the number of games in a regular season varies, with NFL teams playing 16 games per season, while teams in the CFL play 18 regular-season games.

Field Goal Posts

In the Canadian Football League, the field goal posts are positioned at the front of the end zone, whereas in the NFL, the posts are located at the back of the end zone. This distinction affects the strategy and gameplay in both leagues.

Field Size

The dimensions of the playing field also differ between Canadian football and American football. An NFL field measures 120 yards in length, while a CFL field is 150 yards long. Canadian pitches are also wider, spanning 65 yards, compared to just over 53 yards in the NFL.

Punt Returns and Fair Catches

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Another difference lies in the rules surrounding punt returns and fair catches. In the Canadian Football League, there is no fair catch rule, and the punting team must give the punt returner about five yards of space to catch the ball in the air or after it bounces. This rule allows for more dynamic and exciting returns.

In contrast, the NFL implements a fair catch rule. The punt returner can choose to signal a fair catch by waving their hand, preventing opposition players from tackling or making contact with them. However, the returner is not permitted to advance the football.


The commercialization of American football is reflected in the players’ salaries. On average, Canadian football players earn between $94,000 and $115,000 per year. In contrast, NFL players receive significantly higher compensation, with salaries reaching into the tens of millions of pounds for top players.


  • Is Canadian football more similar to American football or rugby? While there are some similarities between Canadian football and American football, such as the use of downs and a similar scoring system, Canadian football has distinct rules and gameplay that set it apart from both American football and rugby.

  • Do Canadian football players dream of playing in the NFL? Many Canadian football players aspire to play in the NFL due to the higher salaries and global recognition associated with the league. However, there is also a strong loyalty and pride among Canadian football players, who value the unique aspects and history of their own league.


In conclusion, although Canadian football and American football share many common elements, they also have significant differences that shape the gameplay and strategies employed by teams. Understanding these distinctions adds to the appreciation and enjoyment of both sports. To learn more about the world of Canadian football, visit Auralpressure, where you can explore a wealth of information and resources dedicated to the sport.

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