Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Vertical Jump Test at Home

The vertical jump test is a simple yet effective way to measure your explosive leg power. This test can be done at home with minimal equipment, making it accessible to anyone looking to improve their fitness. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of performing the vertical jump test at home and provide tips for getting accurate results.

How to Perform the Vertical Jump Test

  1. Find a high wall: Look for a sturdy wall, such as the outside of a building, that you can safely jump towards.

  2. Measure your standing reach height: Stand beside the wall and reach up as high as you can with the hand closest to the wall. Take note of the highest point you can reach. This is your standing reach height.

  3. Position yourself away from the wall: Stand a little away from the wall, giving yourself enough room to jump without hitting it.

  4. Jump as high as possible: Using both your legs and arms, jump as high as you can and attempt to touch the wall at the highest point of your jump.

  5. Measure the jump height: Take note of where you touched the wall at the height of your jump. Measure the distance between your standing reach height and the maximum jump height. This measurement represents your vertical jump score.

  6. Record your score: To keep track of your progress, you can use a piece of chalk to mark the wall at the height of your jump. If the wall already has horizontal lines, like a brick wall, it will make marking your jump height easier.

  7. Practice your technique: Keep in mind that your jump height can be influenced by how much you bend your knees before jumping and how effectively you use your arms. Take the time to refine your technique to maximize your score.

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It’s important to note that these scores are based on performing the test as described. Any modifications to the test may affect the accuracy of the results. Instead of worrying about how you compare to others, focus on improving your own score.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I perform the vertical jump test indoors?
A: While it is recommended to perform the test outdoors against a wall, you can also adapt it to indoor settings. Make sure you have a high ceiling and sufficient space to perform the jump safely.

Q: How often should I do the vertical jump test?
A: It’s recommended to perform the test every 4-6 weeks to track your progress over time. This will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your training program and identify areas for improvement.

Q: Are there any variations of the vertical jump test?
A: Yes, there are alternative techniques and equipment that can be used for the vertical jump test, such as the Vertec® or other measuring devices. These variations may provide more precise measurements but are not necessary for a basic at-home test.


The vertical jump test is a valuable tool for assessing your explosive leg power. By following simple steps and using only a wall as equipment, you can easily perform this test at home. Remember to measure your standing reach height, jump as high as possible, and record the difference between the two as your vertical jump score. Regularly performing the test will allow you to track your progress and work towards improving your own results. So, why wait? Take the leap and start testing your vertical jump today!

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For more information, visit Auralpressure.com.