Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Using COD Deficit (CODD) to Assess Agility

Change of direction speed is an essential aspect of agility in sports. However, evaluating agility solely based on total test completion time can be misleading. This is because the test often involves straight running, making it difficult to differentiate between running speed and change of direction ability.

To address this issue, a new method called COD Deficit (CODD) has been developed. COD Deficit is a relative measure that compares the time taken to complete a change of direction task with the time taken to cover the same distance in a straight line. By using COD Deficit, we can isolate and identify an athlete’s change of direction ability accurately.

The calculation of COD Deficit is relatively straightforward, as the values required can often be obtained from standard fitness assessments. This means that it wouldn’t require much additional effort to calculate COD Deficit for a team or squad.

It’s important to note that COD Deficit is specific to the agility test being used. Factors such as the number and angle of turns, running speed, and the athlete’s height and weight can all influence the results.

Here are some agility tests that are suitable for calculating the change of direction deficit (CODD):

  • Illinois Agility Test (IAT)
  • T-Test – involving forward, lateral, and backward running in a T-shape course
  • 505 Agility Test (180-degree turn)
  • Pro-agility shuttle – running 5 yards, back 10 yards, and back again 5 yards, touching the lines with a hand
  • L-Run (3-Cone Drill)
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To further explore this topic, you can refer to the following references:

  • Nimphius, S, Geib, G, Spiteri, T, and Carlisle, D. “Change of direction” deficit measurement in division I American football players. J Aust Strength Cond, (21): 115-117, 2013.
  • Nimphius S, Callaghan SJ, Spiteri T, Lockie RG. (2016). Change of Direction Deficit: A More Isolated Measure of Change of Direction Performance than Total 505 Time. J Strength Cond Res. Nov;30(11):3024-3032.

For more information about agility testing and related topics, you may find the following pages helpful:

  • Testing procedure for a COD Deficit Test
  • List of Agility Fitness Tests
  • Discussion about Agility Testing
  • About Agility Fitness
  • What are the highest ranking sports requiring agility?

If you want to learn more about agility testing and performance assessment, visit Auralpressure for expert guidance and resources.


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