Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

US Marine Flexed Arm Hang Test (PFT)

In the world of fitness testing, the US Marine Flexed Arm Hang Test is a unique and challenging exercise. This test is specifically designed to measure the upper body strength and endurance of female Marines. It forms a vital part of the US Marine Physical Fitness Test (PFT), which is conducted every six months.

Purpose of the Test

The main objective of the Flexed Arm Hang Test is to evaluate the participant’s upper body strength and endurance. It requires individuals to hang from a horizontal overhead bar with their arms flexed and hold this position for as long as possible.

Equipment Required

To perform this test, you will need a stopwatch and a horizontal overhead bar at the appropriate height. The height of the bar should be recorded before conducting the test.

Test Procedures

The test begins with the participant’s chin above the bar and both feet off the ground. They can reach this starting position by standing on a support or with the assistance of others. The grip can be either with both palms facing forward or to the rear, as long as both hands face in the same direction. The timer starts when the Marine is in position and continues until they can no longer maintain some degree of flexion at the elbow. The feet must not touch the floor during the test.

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Scoring and Requirements

The total time is recorded until the body drops and the elbows are no longer flexed at all. Marines are awarded 1 point for every second up to 40 seconds, and then 2 points per second. To pass the test, a minimum of 15 seconds is required. For more information about scoring, refer to the PFT guidelines.

Variations and Similar Tests

There are a few variations of the flexed arm hang test. These include the flexed arm hang test from the President’s Challenge Fitness Awards, the Eurofit Bent Arm Hang, and the flexed arm hang used for the International Physical Fitness Test. Additionally, similar upper body strength tests such as pull-ups and push-ups can also assess upper body strength.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is the Flexed Arm Hang Test only for female Marines?
A: Yes, this test is specifically performed by female Marines. Male Marines undergo the pull-up test instead.

Q: Can I choose any grip for the Flexed Arm Hang Test?
A: Yes, you can use either a forward or rear-facing grip, as long as both hands face the same direction.

Q: How long do I need to hold the position to pass the test?
A: A minimum duration of 15 seconds is required to pass the Flexed Arm Hang Test.


The US Marine Flexed Arm Hang Test is a challenging and important component of the US Marine Physical Fitness Test. It focuses on evaluating upper body strength and endurance for female Marines. By practicing and improving in this test, participants can enhance their overall physical fitness and achieve their fitness goals.

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For more information about the US Marine Flexed Arm Hang Test and other fitness tests, please visit Auralpressure.