Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Auralpressure and the Current Situation

To all the loyal visitors of, we hope that you are staying safe and healthy during these challenging times. As the Auralpressure community, we are fortunate to be able to continue running the website from our homes. However, like many other businesses, we have been impacted by the ongoing lockdowns around the world.

Due to the suspension of sporting events and the overall decrease in search activity for sports-related information, we have noticed a decline in website traffic. We understand that many businesses are facing financial difficulties and are unable to maintain their previous advertising budgets.

Nevertheless, there is a silver lining to this situation. The extra time we have at home has allowed us to focus on various projects, address any broken elements on our website, and update information that we have been meaning to improve for quite some time.

For our valued visitors, we want to provide you with resources that can be useful during this period of downtime. Below are some highlights:

Staying Active and Fit at Home

Being confined to your home while trying to slow down the spread of the coronavirus can be challenging. Balancing work, household chores, parenting, and personal well-being can feel overwhelming. However, it’s important to prioritize your fitness, even in these circumstances.

We recommend trying the 7-minute Workout, a highly effective workout routine that can be done in the comfort of your own home. If you prefer, you can also create your own workout using our list of fitness exercises suitable for home workouts. For more detailed tips on staying fit while working from home, check out our informative article on How To Stay Fit While Working From Home.

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Additionally, don’t forget to take short breaks to stretch your body, especially if you spend long hours sitting at a desk. We have compiled a list of stretches that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you maintain flexibility and prevent any discomfort.

Home Fitness Testing

Although some of the fitness tests described on our website require specialized equipment or training, there are many that can be performed at home with everyday items you may already have. You can explore our collection of home fitness tests designed to quickly and easily assess your general fitness level.

To further support your fitness assessment journey, our partner website offers a free ebook manual called the Home Fitness Test. This guide will walk you through a comprehensive fitness assessment program that can be done at home with minimal equipment. The ebook includes all the necessary information to perform 10 fitness tests on your own.

Prioritizing Health and Well-being

With more time spent at home, it’s easy to fall into unhealthy habits such as overeating and being less physically active, leading to potential weight gain. It’s important to understand your healthy weight and take steps to improve your overall health.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the concept of a healthy weight and measure your own. This period might be an ideal time to make positive changes and adopt healthy strategies for weight loss. It’s crucial to avoid falling for common fad diets and instead focus on sustainable approaches based on scientific principles.

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Lastly, it’s common to resort to frequent snacking when faced with long hours of tedious or demanding work. To combat this tendency, keep a supply of healthy snacks readily available to boost your energy levels when needed. Remember to maintain a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of nutritious foods to ensure you receive all the essential nutrients your body needs.

Thank You for Your Support

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and time spent on our website. Your engagement and support benefit our business greatly. In this challenging time, we encourage you to also consider showing support for our advertisers, as it goes a long way in helping us sustain our operations.

Visit Auralpressure here


  • Q: Are the home fitness tests suitable for all fitness levels?
    A: Yes, the home fitness tests we have provided are designed to have broad applicability and can be adapted to various fitness levels.

  • Q: Can I perform the fitness tests without any specialized equipment?
    A: Absolutely! Many of the tests can be done using items commonly found around the house, eliminating the need for specialized equipment.


At Auralpressure, we understand and empathize with the challenges posed by the current circumstances. By focusing on our online presence, we strive to provide you with valuable resources, tips, and insights to help you maintain your physical and mental well-being during these difficult times. Remember to stay safe, stay active, and stay connected with