Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

The Biomechanics of Bowling

Biomechanics is a fascinating field that focuses on the study of movement and physics in relation to biological systems. When it comes to bowling, understanding the biomechanics behind the technique can greatly improve your performance. By analyzing joint angles and segment velocities, you can gain valuable insights into your own technique and compare it to other bowlers. In this article, we will explore the basics of biomechanical analysis for bowlers, along with some useful tips and tools to help you get started.

What is Biomechanics?

Biomechanics, in simple terms, is the application of physics and movement analysis to biological systems. In the context of bowling, it involves measuring and calculating various aspects of your technique to gain a deeper understanding of how your body moves during the game. By measuring joint angles and segment velocities, you can assess the position of your arms and legs in relation to each other and the ground.

How to Calculate Joint and Segment Angles?

Understanding the angles formed by your limbs throughout the bowling technique is crucial for refining your skills. While there are software programs available that can help with this analysis, there is also a cost-effective alternative. By collecting video footage of your bowling technique and using clear plastic sheets, marker pens, and a protractor, you can create your own analysis. Simply tape the plastic sheets to your TV screen, draw lines between points of interest on the sheet, and use a protractor to measure the angles.

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How to Calculate Segment Velocities?

Calculating segment velocities is the next step after determining joint and segment angles. To do this, you will need to calculate the distance an object moves from frame to frame in the video footage. Knowing the frame rate of the recording is crucial, as it allows you to calculate the velocity of the object. For example, if the object moves 2 inches between frames and the frame rate is 25 frames per second, the velocity would be 4.2 feet per second. While this calculation may seem complex, with practice, it becomes easier to interpret and analyze.


Q: Why is biomechanics important in bowling?
A: Biomechanics helps bowlers understand their technique, identify areas for improvement, and compare their skills to other bowlers.

Q: Are there any software programs available for biomechanical analysis in bowling?
A: Yes, there are several software programs specifically designed to analyze bowling techniques. These programs offer comprehensive analysis tools that can save time and provide detailed insights.

Q: How can I perform my own biomechanical analysis without software?
A: You can collect video footage of your bowling technique and use clear plastic sheets, marker pens, and a protractor to measure joint and segment angles. Calculating segment velocities requires measuring the distance an object moves between frames and knowing the frame rate of the video recording.


Understanding the biomechanics of bowling is essential for any serious bowler looking to improve their game. By analyzing joint angles and segment velocities, you can gain valuable insights into your technique, identify areas for improvement, and compare your skills to other bowlers. Whether you choose to use advanced software programs or perform your own analysis with basic tools, studying and applying biomechanical principles will undoubtedly have a positive impact on your performance. So grab your bowling ball and start exploring the fascinating world of biomechanics in bowling.

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Remember to visit for more information and resources to help you enhance your bowling technique.