Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

The Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit

Are you looking for a convenient and effective way to assess your fitness at home? Look no further than the Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit. Developed in 1984, this kit provides you with all the tools you need to measure your fitness levels from the comfort of your own home. Let’s explore what this kit has to offer.

Kit Item Details

The Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit includes a range of essential items to help you evaluate your fitness. Here’s what you’ll find in the kit:

  • Flexibility Tester: This novel plastic device allows you to measure the flexibility of your lower back and hamstrings with a sit and reach test.

  • Sphygmomanometer: A blood pressure monitor is included in the kit to help you keep track of your blood pressure readings.

  • Body Fat Skinfold Calipers: Measure your body fat levels using the skinfold method with these basic calipers.

  • Tape Measure: Utilize the tape measure to measure various girths and track your progress.

  • 30 Minute Tape: Though the exact content of the audio tape is unknown, it likely includes instructions and timing for performing timed sit-up and/or push-up tests.

  • Instruction Booklet: The kit also comes with a comprehensive 52-page booklet titled ‘The Australian home fitness test: measuring up for better health’, written by Garry Egger and Nigel Champion. This booklet serves as a guide to help you make the most of the testing kit.

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Publication Details

‘The Australian home fitness test: measuring up for better health’ was published in 1984 by the Centre for Health Promotion and Research in cooperation with the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER). The publication was later reprinted by Allen & Unwin in 1989.

Related Pages

In addition to the testing kit, we provide a range of related resources and information to support your fitness journey. Take a look at the following pages for more insights:

  • A Home Fitness Testing Kit: Discover the essentials you need to conduct fitness tests at home.

  • Fitness Testing Kits: Browse our suggested list of fitness testing equipment to enhance your testing experience.

  • List of Fitness Testing Equipment: Explore a comprehensive list of equipment options for fitness testing.

  • Fitness Tests at Home: Find links to a variety of fitness tests that you can easily perform at home.

  • About the Home Fitness Testing Manual: Get to know the Home Fitness Testing Manual, a free guide to help you plan, conduct, analyze, and interpret fitness tests at home.

Ready to take charge of your fitness? Get the Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit and start your journey towards better health today.


How can the Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit benefit me?

The Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit allows you to assess your fitness levels conveniently from the comfort of your home. It provides you with the necessary tools to measure flexibility, blood pressure, body fat levels, and more. With the included instruction booklet, you can effectively track your progress and make informed decisions about your health and fitness.

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Is the Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit suitable for beginners?

Yes, the Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, including beginners. The kit is designed to be user-friendly, and the comprehensive instruction booklet guides you through the testing process step by step. Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or looking to monitor your progress, this kit is a valuable resource.


The Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit offers a convenient and comprehensive solution for assessing your fitness levels at home. With a range of tools, including a flexibility tester, sphygmomanometer, body fat skinfold calipers, and more, this kit equips you with everything you need to measure and track your progress. The included instruction booklet written by Garry Egger and Nigel Champion provides valuable guidance for making the most of the testing kit. Start your fitness journey with confidence and take control of your health today.

Visit our website for more information and to get your Australian Home Fitness Testing Kit.