Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT)

The Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) is a dynamic balance test that challenges participants to maintain balance while reaching as far as possible in eight different directions. This test requires strength, flexibility, core control, and proprioception, making it a comprehensive assessment of active balance and core stability.


The purpose of the SEBT is to evaluate an individual’s dynamic balance and core control. By measuring their reach distance in multiple directions, the test provides valuable insights into an individual’s balance capabilities.

Equipment Required

To conduct the SEBT, you will need a flat, smooth, non-slip surface, a measuring tape, and marking tape. Prior to the test, mark the floor with four 120cm lengths of marking tape, intersecting in the middle at 45-degree angles.

Test Procedure

In preparation for the test, the subject should wear lightweight and non-restrictive clothing and be barefoot. The subject stands on one leg in the center of the star formation, with their hands on their hips. They then reach as far as possible in one direction, lightly touching the line before returning to the starting position. The support foot must remain flat on the ground throughout the test. This process is repeated for a full circuit, touching the line in every reach direction. The assessor marks the spot on the line where the subject reaches.

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The test should be repeated three times for each foot. The trial is considered invalid if the subject cannot return to the starting position, makes an excessive touch on the line, or loses balance.


After completing the test, record the reached distances to the nearest 0.5cm. Calculate the average distance and relative (normalized) distance in each direction for both the right and left leg. The average distance is the average of the three measurements, while the relative distance is calculated by dividing the average distance in each direction by the leg length and multiplying by 100. This provides a total of 16 scores per athlete.


The SEBT is praised for its simplicity and affordability. It can be easily conducted using minimal equipment, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals.


One potential drawback of the SEBT is its time-consuming nature when testing a large group of individuals. However, the comprehensive assessment it provides outweighs this limitation in most cases.


Q: Is the SEBT suitable for individuals of all fitness levels?
A: Yes, the SEBT can be adapted to various fitness levels by adjusting the reach distances based on the individual’s capabilities.

Q: What populations can benefit from the SEBT?
A: The SEBT has been used as an indicator of lower limb injury risk in a variety of populations, including athletes, rehabilitation patients, and those seeking to improve their balance and core stability.

Q: How can the SEBT results be utilized?
A: The results of the SEBT can help identify balance deficits, track progress in rehabilitation programs, and aid in injury prevention strategies.

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The Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) is a valuable tool for assessing dynamic balance and core control. By challenging individuals to maintain balance while reaching in multiple directions, the test provides insights into their balance capabilities. With its simplicity and affordability, the SEBT can be conducted with ease and is applicable to a wide range of populations. Incorporating the SEBT into fitness testing protocols can lead to improved injury prevention strategies and enhanced overall balance and stability.

Remember, if you want to improve your balance and core stability, give the Star Excursion Balance Test a try. It’s a simple yet effective way to assess your dynamic balance and identify areas for improvement. Start incorporating this test into your fitness routine and see the positive impact it can have on your overall performance.