Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Sprint Fatigue Test

Sprint Fatigue Test

The Sprint Fatigue Test is a repeat sprint test that measures anaerobic capacity and the ability to recover between sprints. It involves ten 30m sprints performed every 30 seconds. This test is particularly useful for athletes involved in multi-sprint sports like basketball, hockey, rugby, soccer, and AFL.


The purpose of the Sprint Fatigue Test is to assess anaerobic capacity and the ability to produce the same level of power repeatedly. It helps trainers and coaches evaluate an athlete’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Equipment Required

To conduct the Sprint Fatigue Test, you will need the following equipment:

  • 2 stopwatches
  • Measuring tape
  • Marker cones
  • A minimum of a 50-meter track

Test Procedure

  1. Mark two cones 30 meters apart to indicate the sprint distance. Place an additional set of cones 10 meters further on each end.
  2. Instruct the participant to place their foot at the starting line. When ready, start two stopwatches simultaneously.
  3. The participant sprints maximally for 30m, ensuring they maintain their speed until they reach the finish line. Use one stopwatch to time the sprint and keep the other stopwatch running.
  4. Record the time of the first sprint and allow the participant to slow down and turn at the 10-meter cone. They then return to the 30m finishing point, which becomes the new starting line.
  5. The next sprint is in the opposite direction. Each 30 meter sprint starts 30 seconds after the previous sprint began. This cycle continues until ten sprints are completed, with intervals of 30 seconds, 1 minute, 1.5 minutes, 2 minutes, and so on.
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The fatigue index is calculated by taking the average time of the first three sprints and dividing it by the average time of the last three sprints. This calculation yields a value typically between 75% and 95%. A lower fatigue index indicates better performance.

For example, if the average time of the first three sprints is 6.9 seconds and the average time of the last three sprints is 7.9 seconds, the fatigue index would be 6.9 ÷ 7.9 = 0.87 (Good).

Use the following table to determine the rating based on the fatigue index:

Fatigue Index Rating
0.75 – 0.79 Average
0.80 – 0.84 Good
0.85 – 0.89 Very Good
≥ 0.90 Excellent

Similar Tests

  • Sprint Recovery Test: Designed for AFL players, it involves 6 x 30m sprints.
  • Phosphate Recovery Test: A test consisting of 7 x 7-second sprints.
  • FIFA Interval Test 1: A test involving 6 x 40m sprints.
  • Repeat Sprint Ability Test: A test comprising 10 x 20m sprints, starting every 20 seconds.
  • RAST (Running Anaerobic Sprint Test): A test consisting of 6 x 35m sprints.
  • Cycling Repeat Sprint Test: A cycling-based test involving 5 x 6-second efforts every 30 seconds.


  1. Who can benefit from the Sprint Fatigue Test?
    The Sprint Fatigue Test is suitable for athletes involved in multi-sprint sports such as basketball, hockey, rugby, soccer, and AFL.

  2. What does the fatigue index indicate?
    The fatigue index represents an athlete’s ability to maintain consistent power output during repeated sprints. A lower fatigue index suggests better performance.

  3. How is the fatigue index calculated?
    The fatigue index is calculated by dividing the average time of the first three sprints by the average time of the last three sprints.

  4. What are the rating categories based on the fatigue index?
    The rating categories are Average (0.75 – 0.79), Good (0.80 – 0.84), Very Good (0.85 – 0.89), and Excellent (≥ 0.90).

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The Sprint Fatigue Test is a valuable tool for evaluating an athlete’s anaerobic capacity and recovery between sprints. By conducting this test, coaches and trainers can identify areas for improvement and tailor training programs accordingly, leading to enhanced performance in multi-sprint sports.

For more information about the Sprint Fatigue Test and other fitness testing methods, visit Auralpressure.