Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Sports Nutrition for Tennis

Tennis is a globally popular sport played year-round, with varying training and travel demands. As an individual sport, players require a personalized approach to nutrition. Matches can be unpredictable in length and start times, making nutritional preparation crucial.

Training requirements

During training, tennis players need a combination of nutrient-dense carbohydrates for fuel and lean proteins for muscle repair. Including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains will promote good immunity. Training intensity and load determine daily carbohydrate and energy needs. More demanding training requires increased fueling, while lighter training necessitates reduced fueling.


Tennis is often played in hot and humid conditions, making hydration essential. Sweat rates can vary, and individualized drinking plans should match fluid losses. Maintaining electrolyte balance is crucial to prevent dehydration, fatigue, and cramps. Regular fluid intake and checking urine color are important. General recommendations include consuming fluids every 15 minutes, with specific amounts based on weather conditions.

Game-Day Tips

Being well-fueled and hydrated is crucial for match preparation. Planning meals and snacks based on game start times is important. Pre-match meals should include carbohydrates for fueling and be low in fats and fiber for easy digestion. During matches lasting over 90 minutes, consuming food for fuel is recommended. Cooling strategies, like cold water, iced towels, and fans, can help manage body temperature.

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After The Game

Speedy recovery after matches is important. The 4 R’s of recovery include refueling with carbohydrates, repairing muscles with protein, rehydrating with fluids, and replenishing with fruits and vegetables. Immediate post-game snacks should be followed by a more substantial meal, avoiding late-night eating.


Travel is common in competitive tennis, requiring extra considerations for optimal performance. Researching accommodation, local food options, and water hygiene is important. Planning ahead and bringing preferred snacks and drinks can help be prepared. Adjusting nutritional intake based on training load during travel is crucial.

For more detailed information, refer to the Nutrition Guide for Traveling Athletes.


Q: What should tennis players eat before a match?
A: Pre-match meals should include carbohydrates for fuel, fluids for hydration, and be low in fats and fiber for easy digestion. Suitable meal options include sandwiches, porridge, cereal with milk, pancakes, pasta, and stir-fries. Suitable snack options include fruit, banana sandwiches, mini-pancakes, and fruit muffins.

Q: How important is hydration during a tennis game?
A: Hydration is crucial during a tennis game, especially since matches are often played in hot and humid conditions. Sweat rates vary among athletes, so individualized drinking plans should be created based on fluid losses. Maintaining electrolyte balance is important to prevent dehydration, fatigue, and cramps.


Proper sports nutrition is crucial for tennis players to perform at their best. Pre-match eating, hydration during the game, and post-game recovery all play a vital role in optimizing performance. Traveling tennis players should also plan ahead and make necessary arrangements to ensure they are well-prepared. By incorporating these guidelines, tennis players can improve their on-court performance and overall well-being.

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