Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Speed Golf: An Exciting Combination of Running and Golf

Speed Golf

Speed Golf, also known as Speedgolf, is a thrilling variation of golf that incorporates elements of running to create a unique and fast-paced experience. In this exhilarating sport, the objective is to complete the golf course in the fewest possible number of strokes and the fastest time possible.

How Speed Golf Works

In speed golf, the winner is determined by calculating the combined score of the number of strokes taken and the time taken to complete the course. For example, if a player shoots a 90 in 45 minutes, their calculated score would be 135. On the other hand, if a second player shoots a 93 in 40 minutes, their calculated score would be 133, making them the winner.

To ensure efficient gameplay, players wear suitable attire for running and carry a limited set of clubs, typically three or four. Speed golf is played on regular golf courses, but it is crucial that the path ahead is clear. In competitions, players tee off at regular intervals, usually around 6 minutes, and the timing starts the moment the player hits their initial shot until the ball enters the cup on their final hole.

Rules and Strategies

The rules of speed golf closely resemble those of regular golf, with only a few differences. Notably, players are allowed to putt with the flag-stick placed in the hole. Additionally, if a ball is hit out of bounds or lost, players are permitted to play it like a lateral hazard. These adjustments allow for a more streamlined and time-efficient gameplay experience.

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To excel in speed golf, players must possess a combination of physical fitness and golfing skills. Strategic decision-making on the course also plays a crucial role. Speedgolfers aim to save time by eliminating practice swings and other time-consuming rituals. The length of each hole and the overall course layout can greatly impact the final score, although all participants cover the same distance in competitions.

Notable Speed Golf Achievements

Speed golf has seen remarkable achievements over the years. In 2016, Australian player Mitch Williamson set a new record by shooting a score of 77 in just 31 minutes at the Yarra Bend Golf Club in Melbourne. This outstanding performance gave him a Speedgolf score of 108, showcasing the incredible speed and skill involved in the sport.

Similar Sports

If you find speed golf intriguing, you may also be interested in exploring these similar sports:

  • Golf: The traditional version of golf where players use a club to hit balls into a series of holes on a course, aiming to achieve the fewest number of strokes.
  • Biathlon: A combination of cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.
  • Target Sprint: A sport that combines sprint running and air rifle shooting.
  • Summer Biathlon: A combined sport involving roller skiing or trail running and rifle shooting.
  • Cross-Country Big Ball: A new sport where a soccer ball is hit with a baseball bat over cross-country terrain towards a goal.
  • Beach Golf: A simplified version of golf played on sand with a polyurethane foam ball.
  • Urban Golf: Golf played in unconventional locations where there is available space and few people around.
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Q: Are the rules of speed golf the same as regular golf?
A: The rules of speed golf closely resemble those of regular golf, with a few adaptations to streamline gameplay and save time.

Q: How is the winner determined in speed golf?
A: The winner in speed golf is determined by calculating the combined score of the number of strokes taken and the time taken to complete the course.

Q: What skills are important in speed golf?
A: To excel in speed golf, players need a combination of physical fitness, golfing skills, and the ability to make strategic decisions on the course.


Speed golf offers a thrilling blend of running and golf, providing an exciting and fast-paced experience for players. With its unique combination of physical fitness, golfing skills, and strategic decision-making, speed golf is sure to captivate both running enthusiasts and golf lovers alike. So why not grab your clubs, lace up your running shoes, and experience the exhilaration of speed golf today?

For more information and to explore the world of speed golf, visit Auralpressure.