Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Shorter Illinois Agility Test

The Shorter Illinois Agility Test is a modified version of the original Illinois Agility Test. While the original test focuses on sprinting over short distances, the shorter version emphasizes the ability to change direction quickly. This alternative version, proposed by Hachana et al. in 2014, offers the same movement patterns but in a shorter course.


The purpose of the Shorter Illinois Agility Test is to assess running agility using various turns and movements over a shorter distance compared to the standard Illinois Agility Test.

Equipment Required

To conduct the test, you will need the following equipment:

  • Flat non-slip surface
  • 7 marking cones
  • Stopwatch
  • Measuring tape
  • Timing gates (optional)

Course Layout

The course for the Shorter Illinois Agility Test measures 5 meters by 5 meters. Four cones mark the corners of the square, while three additional cones are placed down the center, 2.5 meters apart.

Test Procedure

Participants start in a standing position, unlike the original test where they start lying on their front. This modification allows for the use of timing gates. The test begins with the player running forward 5 meters to circle around a cone. They then run back 5 meters and navigate a slalom course of three cones. Finally, the athlete runs another 5 meters up and back past the finishing cone, where the timing is stopped. Several trials should be completed, and the best score is recorded.

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The Shorter Illinois Agility Test offers several advantages:

  • Simple administration
  • Tests the ability to turn in different directions and angles
  • Quicker completion time, reducing the impact of fatigue
  • Shorter straight running distance


There are a few disadvantages to consider:

  • Results can be affected by footwear and running surface conditions
  • Timing inconsistencies may occur, but using timing gates can help overcome this issue
  • There are no norm values available for this modified version

For more information on this test, please refer to the following references:

  • Hachana Y, Chaabène H, Ben Rajeb G, Khlifa R, Aouadi R, Chamari K, et al. (2014) Validity and Reliability of New Agility Test among Elite and Subelite under 14-Soccer Players.
  • Rouissi, M., Chtara, M., Berriri, A., Owen, A., & Chamari, K. (2016). Asymmetry of the Modified Illinois Change of Direction Test Impacts Young Elite Soccer Players’ Performance. Asian journal of sports medicine, 7(2), e33598. doi:10.5812/asjsm.33598


Q: What is the purpose of the Shorter Illinois Agility Test?
A: The test aims to assess running agility over a shorter distance compared to the standard Illinois Agility Test.

Q: How is the test conducted?
A: Participants start in a standing position and navigate through a course involving turns and slalom running.

Q: Are there any advantages to this modified version?
A: Yes, the test offers simple administration, evaluates different turning abilities, and can be completed in less time.

Q: What are the disadvantages of the Shorter Illinois Agility Test?
A: Factors such as footwear and running surface conditions can influence results, and norm values for this version are not available.

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The Shorter Illinois Agility Test provides a valuable assessment of running agility in a shorter distance. By incorporating various turns and movements, it offers insights into an individual’s ability to change direction quickly and effectively. Despite its advantages and disadvantages, this modified version presents a viable alternative to the original test. To learn more about the Shorter Illinois Agility Test and other agility tests, visit Auralpressure.