The rowing beep test is a stroke rate based incremental aerobic fitness test that is similar to the running beep test but is performed on a rowing ergometer. This test, based on the research of Alan Metcalfe at the University of Bedfordshire (Metcalf, 2012), is designed to test the aerobic fitness of rowers by predicting their VO2max from the beep test performed on a rowing ergometer.
Purpose of the Test
The purpose of the rowing beep test is to assess the aerobic fitness of rowers. By performing this test on a rowing ergometer, rowers can determine their VO2max, which is an indicator of their aerobic capacity.
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Equipment Required
To perform the rowing beep test, you will need a rowing beep test app or audio cues at the same rate, as well as a Concept2 rowing ergometer or an equivalent rowing machine. It is important to set a specific drag factor on the rowing ergometer.
Pre-Test Procedures
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Before conducting the test, it is important to explain the test procedures to the subject and obtain their informed consent. Additionally, you should screen for any health risks and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, and test conditions. The equipment should also be checked and calibrated as necessary. Finally, a standard warm-up should be performed. For more details on the pre-test procedures, please refer to the provided forms.
Test Preparation
No performance monitor is required for this test. The stroke rate will be determined by audio cues from the app. To ensure that a full stroke is made each time, it is recommended to make a full stroke and mark the chain at the point it comes out of the unit. This marker will serve as a reference point to ensure a full stroke is made each time.
Test Procedure
The test consists of three minutes of warm-up at a stroke rate of 24 strokes/min for females or 28 strokes/min for males. This is followed by one minute of rest. The main part of the test begins with a resistance set to 10 and a stroke rate of 28 strokes/min for females or 30 strokes/min for males, indicated by audio beeps. The stroke rate is then increased by one stroke per minute. It is important to ensure that the subject reaches the top of the stroke (full extension) with each beep. The test is completed when the athlete can no longer keep up with the beeps or when the test is finished.
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To determine the results of the test, click the stop button on the app when the test ends. This will display the predicted VO2max score as well as a rating level.
Target Population
The rowing beep test is specifically designed for rowers.
For accurate measurements of aerobic capacity, it is important to maintain good and efficient rowing technique throughout the test.
- Metcalfe, Alan, J., (2012) An Investigation into the Development and Validity of Progressive Fitness Tests for Rowing and Young People. A Masters thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Masters by Research of the University of Bedfordshire.
- Metcalfe AJ, Castle PC, Brewer J (2013) The Use of an Indoor Rowing Ergometer Test for the Prediction of Maximal Oxygen Uptake. J Athl Enhancement 2:6. doi:10.4172/2324-9080.1000133.
Similar Tests
- 2000m (2km) rowing ergometer test: This test aims to cover the 2km distance in the shortest possible time.
- 20m shuttle run ‘beep’ test
- 5km Rowing Ergometer Test: This test aims to cover the 5000m distance in the shortest possible time.
- 500m ergo test: This test aims to cover the 500m distance in the shortest possible time.
Related Pages
- Other aerobic tests
- Rowing fitness testing
- More Modified Beep Tests
- Beep test variations
- Rowing Ergometers for Fitness Testing
- About the sport of rowing, which includes indoor rowing competitions
- Rowing at the Olympic Games
Q: How is the rowing beep test different from the running beep test?
A: The rowing beep test is performed on a rowing ergometer, while the running beep test is performed while running. The rowing beep test is specifically designed for rowers to assess their aerobic fitness.
Q: What is VO2max and why is it important?
A: VO2max is the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during exercise. It is an important indicator of aerobic capacity and can help assess an individual’s overall fitness level.
Q: How can I ensure accurate results during the rowing beep test?
A: To ensure accurate results, it is crucial to maintain good and efficient rowing technique throughout the test. This will help accurately measure your aerobic capacity.
The rowing beep test is a valuable tool for rowers to assess their aerobic fitness and predict their VO2max. By following the proper test procedures and maintaining good rowing technique, rowers can obtain accurate results. The test can be performed using a rowing beep test app or audio cues, along with a rowing ergometer. With its focus on stroke rate and incremental intensity, the rowing beep test provides rowers with valuable insights into their aerobic capacity. For more information on rowing fitness testing and other aerobic tests, please visit Auralpressure.
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