Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Roller Derby Rules

Roller Derby is an exhilarating team sport played worldwide, known for its action-packed nature and full-contact gameplay. With multiple governing bodies overseeing the sport, it has gained immense popularity, particularly among women. However, more and more men are also joining the game, leading to the formation of the Men’s Roller Derby Association.

Object of the Game

The primary goal in Roller Derby is to outscore the opposing team. Each team aims to have their offensive player, known as the jammer, lap a member of the opposing team to earn points. The defensive players, known as blockers, can use physical force to impede the jammer’s progress while assisting their own jammer.

Players & Equipment

A Roller Derby team consists of up to 14 members, but only five players take the track at a time. Four players serve as blockers, and one player acts as the jammer. The jammer, distinguished by the star on their helmet, is the only player who can score. Among the blockers, one holds the role of the Pivot, responsible for defensive play calls.

Players utilize quad roller skates instead of inline skates for better stability and control. Quad skates have a smaller wheelbase, reducing the risk of tripping over each other. Mandatory equipment includes mouth guards, knee and elbow pads, wrist guards, and helmets. Gender-specific protective gear, such as sports bras for women and groin guards for men, may also be worn.

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Points in Roller Derby are only awarded during specific time periods called jams. Jams last up to two minutes each, although the lead jammer can call them off early. The jammer scores points by passing members of the opposing team. The opposing team employs various tactics like blocking and body contact to impede the jammer’s progress. For each opponent the jammer passes, they earn one point.

Winning the Game

The team with the highest score at the end of the match is declared the winner. In the event of a tie, an overtime jam takes place to determine the ultimate winner. During the overtime jam, there is no lead jammer, and the team with the most points at the end of the jam emerges as the victor. If the match remains tied, successive jams will occur until a winner is determined.

Rules of Roller Derby

  • Each Roller Derby team can consist of up to 14 players, but only five players are allowed on the track simultaneously. These include one jammer and four blockers. The pivot, one of the blockers, acts as the team captain.
  • Matches are divided into two periods lasting 30 minutes each.
  • Roller Derby is played on an oval track. At the start of the match, the blockers from both teams skate together as a pack. Once the pack reaches the designated distance, a whistle blows, and the two jammers begin skating.
  • The jammers must maneuver through the pack as quickly as possible to gain a scoring position.
  • Jammers score points by lapping members of the opposing team.
  • Blockers can use physical force to hinder the opposing jammer’s progress.
  • Each jam lasts for a maximum of two minutes.
  • Penalties can be issued for various infractions, including tripping, blocking above the shoulder, blocking out of bounds, and blocking with the arm below the elbow.
  • The team with the most points at the end of the match wins.
  • In the case of a tie, additional overtime jams are played until one team has more points than the other.
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Q: How many players are on a Roller Derby team?
A: Up to 14 players can be on a Roller Derby team, but only five players participate in each game.

Q: How long does a Roller Derby match last?
A: Roller Derby matches consist of two periods, each lasting 30 minutes.

Q: Can blockers use physical force against the opposing jammer?
A: Yes, blockers are allowed to use physical force to impede the progress of the opposing jammer.

Q: What happens if a Roller Derby match ends in a tie?
A: In the event of a tie, an overtime jam is played until one team has more points and is declared the winner.

Q: Are there penalties in Roller Derby?
A: Yes, penalties can be issued for various infractions, and they may result in a player being temporarily removed from the track.


Roller Derby offers an exciting and competitive team sport that continues to grow in popularity worldwide. With its unique blend of strategy, athleticism, and physicality, Roller Derby provides a thrilling experience for both participants and spectators. Whether you are interested in playing or simply witnessing the action, Roller Derby guarantees an adrenaline-fueled adventure on wheels.

For more information and updates on Roller Derby, visit Auralpressure.