Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Quick Feet Test

The Quick Feet Test is a valuable assessment of foot speed and agility. Participants are tasked with running along a horizontal ladder, placing a foot in each space. This test provides an indication of the ability to move the feet quickly and accurately.


The purpose of the Quick Feet Test is to assess the speed of movement and coordination of the lower body.

Equipment Required

To conduct this test, you will need a flat, non-slip surface, a stopwatch, and either 21 two-foot long sticks or a 20-rung rope ladder. Alternatively, a football field with yard markers can also be used.

Pre-Test Steps

Before administering the test, it is essential to explain the procedures to the subject and perform a health risk screening. Obtain informed consent, and ensure that you have the necessary forms ready to record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, and test conditions. Additionally, measure and mark out the course and have the participant complete a proper warm-up.

Test Layout

For the Quick Feet Test, place the sticks or rope ladder 18 inches apart on a flat surface. This spacing creates a total distance of 10 yards (9.14m).

Test Procedure

The participant starts at one end of the ladder and, when ready, begins running forwards along the ladder. They must place a foot in each space without touching the sticks or rungs. The timing begins when their foot first touches the ground between the first and second stick and ends when they step beyond the last stick. After completing the run, allow the participant to rest for two minutes before repeating the test.

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Recording Results

Record the participant’s best result of the two trials. Times under 2.8 seconds for males and 3.4 seconds for females are considered excellent for young adults.


If the Quick Feet Test is performed on grass or a different surface, or if an alternative layout like football field yard lines is used, it is crucial to record all the relevant details alongside the results. This ensures that the test can be replicated accurately in future administrations.

Additional Tests

  • Foot Tapping Speed Test: Measures how many foot taps can be performed in 30 seconds.
  • Side-step Test
  • Hexagon Test
  • Quadrant Jump Test

Related Resources

  • Other tests of agility
  • Testing for Soccer Players


Q: How does the Quick Feet Test measure foot speed and agility?
A: The Quick Feet Test evaluates a participant’s ability to move their feet quickly and accurately by running along a horizontal ladder and placing a foot in each space.

Q: What is the purpose of the Quick Feet Test?
A: The Quick Feet Test assesses the speed of movement and coordination of the lower body.


The Quick Feet Test is a simple yet effective assessment of foot speed and agility. By running along a horizontal ladder and placing a foot in each space, participants can gauge their ability to move their feet quickly and accurately. When administering this test, it is important to ensure proper explanation and preparation, as well as recording accurate results. Additionally, there are other related tests of agility that can provide further insights into an individual’s athletic abilities. So, if you’re looking to improve your foot speed and agility, give the Quick Feet Test a try!

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(Call to Action: For more fitness testing and training tips, visit