Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Overhead Medicine Ball Throw (forwards)

The Overhead Medicine Ball Throw is a test designed to assess upper body strength and explosive power. By throwing the ball forwards from over the head, athletes can measure their power and evaluate their performance. This test is commonly used in sports that require strong upper body strength, such as rowing, tennis, and javelin throwing.

Purpose and Equipment Required

The purpose of the Overhead Medicine Ball Throw is to measure upper body strength and explosive power. To perform this test, you will need a medicine ball weighing between 2-5 kg (depending on the age group being tested) and a tape measure.

Test Procedures

Before conducting the test, explain the procedures to the subject and ensure they understand the requirements. It is important to screen for any health risks and obtain informed consent. Record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, and test conditions. Calibrate the equipment if necessary and perform a standard warm-up. Make sure to clearly mark the take-off line.

During the test, the subject stands at the line with their feet side by side and slightly apart, facing the direction in which the ball will be thrown. The ball is held with the hands on the side and slightly behind the center. The throwing action is similar to a soccer/football sideline throw-in. The subject brings the ball back behind their head and then throws it vigorously forward as far as possible. Stepping forward over the line after releasing the ball is permitted and encouraged to maximize the distance of the throw. Three attempts are allowed.

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Scoring and Results

The distance from the starting position to where the ball lands is recorded and measured to the nearest 0.5 foot or 10 cm. The best result of the three throws is used for scoring.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The Overhead Medicine Ball Throw test is advantageous as it is easy and quick to perform for individuals. However, conducting the test with a large group of participants may require additional personnel to mark results, check technique, and collect and return the balls, making it more time-consuming.

Tips and Variations

To optimize performance, the angle at which the ball is thrown is important. Athletes may benefit from understanding the optimal angle for maximal distance and having the opportunity to practice their technique. Using a tape measure along the expected path can assist in measuring the distance accurately.

Variations of this test may include allowing the subject to stand at the line with one foot in front of the other. The weight of the medicine ball should be selected based on the age group or abilities of the participants.

Similar Tests and Related Pages

Other medicine ball throw tests that assess power include the Overhead Powerball Backwards Throw, Powerball Kneeling Overhead Toss, and Shot Put Back Throw. For more information on medicine ball fitness tests, as well as other speed and power tests, refer to the related pages.


Q: How does the Overhead Medicine Ball Throw measure upper body strength and explosive power?

A: The Overhead Medicine Ball Throw requires athletes to throw a medicine ball forwards from over their head. The distance the ball travels indicates their upper body strength and explosive power.

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Q: Which sports benefit from strong upper body strength, making the Overhead Medicine Ball Throw a relevant test?

A: Sports such as rowing, tennis, and javelin throwing require athletes to have strong upper body strength. The Overhead Medicine Ball Throw can help assess and improve performance in these sports.

Q: Can I use a different weight medicine ball for the Overhead Medicine Ball Throw?

A: Yes, the weight of the medicine ball can be adjusted based on the age group or abilities of the participants. It is important to select an appropriate weight to ensure accurate testing.


The Overhead Medicine Ball Throw is a test used to evaluate upper body strength and explosive power. By measuring the distance the ball travels when thrown forwards from over the head, athletes can gauge their performance. This test is beneficial for sports that rely on strong upper body strength, such as rowing, tennis, and javelin throwing. Remember to follow the proper procedures, use the correct equipment, and consider variations to suit different participants. Keep practicing and improving to enhance your performance in these sports.