Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Nutritional Guidelines for Preparing for Fitness Testing

To maximize your performance during fitness testing, it’s crucial to ensure that your body is adequately prepared on all fronts – physically, nutritionally, and mentally. Your nutritional state can have a significant impact on your performance in multiple ways. By following a few essential guidelines, you can ensure that you’re ready to perform at your peak and that the results of your fitness testing accurately reflect your true ability.

Nutrition Tips to Consider

The Day Before Testing

The day before your fitness testing, stick to a fairly typical meal plan, avoiding anything unusual or unfamiliar. It’s important to consume adequate carbohydrates, especially considering that most fitness tests rely on valuable glycogen stores. Aim for a minimum of 4g/kg BM, and include foods like pasta, rice, bread, fruits, and starchy vegetables. However, avoid consuming foods that are extremely high in fiber, such as beans, lentils, or chickpeas, as they can cause stomach discomfort and unwanted gas.

Make sure to hydrate yourself adequately the day before testing to wake up well-hydrated. This will help you avoid the need to drink too much on the morning of the test. It’s also crucial to avoid alcohol consumption the night before testing to prevent dehydration.

The Day of Testing

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Ideally, consume a light meal about 2 hours before testing. If the time gap between the meal and the test is less than 2 hours, keep the meal light and easily digestible. If the gap is more than 2 hours, have a small snack that can top up your energy stores just before the test. Liquid options, such as sports drinks, juices, or milk drinks, are suitable if you’re feeling nervous or can’t tolerate solid foods. Remember to follow these guidelines for the ideal pre-test meal:

  • High in carbohydrates to fuel your body
  • Low in fiber to ensure stomach comfort
  • Low in fat and protein for easy digestion
  • Stick to something familiar, avoiding new foods

What you choose to eat will depend on the time of day and your usual preferences. Some examples include a bowl of cereal with milk, sliced banana with yogurt, toast with honey and a piece of fruit, fruit toast with a glass of light milk, or a fruit smoothie. Make sure you eat something before the test to top up your fuel stores, as they may be depleted after overnight fasting.

In the hours leading up to the test, sip on fluids instead of consuming a large volume at once. This will prevent your bladder from being too full at the start of the test. Additionally, consuming sports drinks will help retain fluids and reduce the urge to urinate. The amount of fluids to consume before testing depends on the environmental conditions – the hotter the temperature and higher the humidity, the more fluids you need to avoid dehydration. Avoid consuming caffeine products, such as coffee, cola, or tea, on the morning prior to testing to prevent the need to urinate frequently.

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During the Testing Session

Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly throughout the testing session, particularly if the conditions are hot and humid. If the session is long and coincides with a mealtime, bring along easy-to-digest carbohydrate-based snacks like fruit, muesli bars, or a jam sandwich. Consume these snacks during sufficient break times.

By following these guidelines consistently for every testing session, you can ensure that your results are comparable and reflective of your true performance. Good luck and happy fueling!


Q: What should I eat the day before fitness testing?
A: Stick to a fairly typical meal plan, including adequate carbohydrates, such as pasta, rice, breads, fruits, and starchy vegetables. Avoid foods that are extremely high in fiber, as they can cause stomach discomfort.

Q: What should I eat on the day of testing?
A: Consume a light meal about 2 hours prior to testing. If the time gap is less than 2 hours, keep the meal light and easily digestible. If it’s more than 2 hours, have a small snack just before the test to top up your energy stores. Choose foods that are high in carbohydrates, low in fiber, and easy to digest.

Q: How much should I drink before testing?
A: Aim to sip on fluids in the hours leading up to testing. The amount of fluids you need to consume depends on the environmental conditions. Avoid consuming caffeine products on the morning of testing.


To ensure optimal performance during fitness testing, it’s crucial to prepare yourself nutritionally. The day before testing, stick to a typical meal plan, consume adequate carbohydrates, and stay well-hydrated. On the day of testing, have a light meal about 2 hours beforehand, and if necessary, top up your energy stores with a small snack just before the test. Hydrate regularly throughout the testing session and consider bringing easy-to-digest carbohydrate-based snacks if it’s a long session. By following these nutritional guidelines consistently, you can ensure that your results accurately reflect your true ability.

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