Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

NBA Reactive Shuttle Test

The NBA Reactive Shuttle Test is an essential component of the fitness testing protocols used in the NBA Combine. It is designed to measure a player’s speed, body control, agility, reaction time, and the ability to change direction.


The purpose of the Reactive Shuttle Test is to evaluate the physical attributes necessary for success in basketball and other team sports. By assessing speed, agility, and reaction time, coaches and scouts can gain valuable insights into a player’s athletic abilities.

Equipment Required

To conduct the test, you will need the following equipment:

  • Stopwatch or timing gates
  • Marked basketball court
  • 3 marker cones or marking tape
  • Reactive system (to indicate direction)

Test Setup

The test is conducted on a standard NBA basketball court. The center of the key may need to be marked, and cones are placed on the outside of the key. The key is 16 feet wide, providing a challenging obstacle for the players.


The player starts by straddling the middle line. When signaled by the reactive system, the player must quickly run to the right or left direction, place their foot on or over the sideline of the key, and then run 16 feet back to the opposite line. Finally, they turn and finish by running back through the start/finish line.

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The time to complete the test is recorded in seconds, with two decimal places of accuracy. The best time out of three trials is taken as the player’s score.

Target Population

While primarily used in the NBA Combine, the Reactive Shuttle Test is suitable for athletes in various team sports such as basketball, hockey, rugby, and soccer. It provides valuable insights into a player’s agility and quickness, which are crucial for success on the court or field.


In addition to speed and agility, the Reactive Shuttle Test also assesses a player’s turning technique and coordination. These factors play a significant role in a player’s performance, making this test an essential part of the evaluation process.

The Test in Action

The Reactive Shuttle Test is a key component of the fitness testing protocol used in the NBA Combine. It helps coaches and scouts gain valuable insights into a player’s athletic abilities and potential.

Similar Tests

Another test that shares similarities with the Reactive Shuttle Test is the zig-zag test. Both tests evaluate a player’s agility and ability to change direction quickly.

Related Pages

For more information on agility tests, NBA Combine tests, and the sport of basketball, please visit the following pages:

  • Other Agility Tests
  • NBA Combine Tests
  • About Agility Testing
  • About the Sport of Basketball


Q: What is the purpose of the Reactive Shuttle Test?
A: The Reactive Shuttle Test is designed to assess a player’s speed, agility, reaction time, and ability to change direction, all of which are crucial in team sports like basketball, hockey, rugby, and soccer.

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Q: How is the Reactive Shuttle Test conducted?
A: The player starts by straddling the middle line of a marked basketball court. When signaled, they must quickly run to the right or left direction, touch the sideline of the key, run 16 feet back to the opposite line, and finish by running back through the start/finish line.

Q: What equipment is required for the Reactive Shuttle Test?
A: To conduct the test, you will need a stopwatch or timing gates, a marked basketball court, 3 marker cones or marking tape, and a reactive system to indicate the direction.


The NBA Reactive Shuttle Test is a vital component of the NBA Combine’s fitness testing protocols. It assesses a player’s speed, agility, reaction time, and ability to change direction, providing valuable insights for coaches and scouts. By following the test procedures and using the required equipment, coaches can accurately evaluate an athlete’s physical capabilities. For more information on agility testing and the NBA Combine, visit the related pages mentioned above. Are you ready to put your skills to the test? Embrace the challenge and strive for greatness on the court.