Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

NAPFA Pull-Up Test: Enhancing Upper Body Strength

The NAPFA pull-up test is a widely recognized assessment of upper body strength. This article provides comprehensive information on the test procedures used by Singapore’s National Physical Fitness Award Scheme. There are two versions of the test: full pull-ups for males aged over 15 and a modified inclined pull-up test for females and males aged 15 and under.

Purpose and Equipment

The NAPFA pull-up test measures both upper body strength and endurance. It requires a horizontal overhead bar positioned at an adequate height for participants to hang from with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Alternatively, a waist-high bar can be used for the incline pull-up test.

Test Procedures

For the full pull-up, participants hang from the overhead bar using either an overhand or underhand grip. They then pull themselves upwards until their chin reaches the bar and lower their body back to the starting position with arms fully extended. Throughout the test, the feet must remain off the ground.

For the incline pull-up, participants grip a waist-high bar and hang below it. With arms straight and torso and legs stiff, they pull themselves towards the bar until their chest touches it, then lower themselves back to the starting position.

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Scoring and Advantages

The NAPFA pull-up test records the maximum number of correctly completed pull-ups in half a minute. This test is advantageous due to its simplicity, accessibility, and quick execution.

Similar Tests

  • A general description of the pull-up test procedure
  • Pull-up procedure from the PFT
  • Cadence Pull-Up Test: performing 15 pull-ups per minute
  • Modified Pull-Up: pulling up towards a bar set slightly out of reach with the body horizontal
  • Horizontal Pull-Up Test: a variation that does not require lifting the entire body weight
  • Flexed-arm hang

Related Pages

  • More about Singapore’s National Physical Fitness Award Scheme (NAPFA)
  • Where to buy pull-up or chin-up bars
  • POLL: Do you call it a chin-up or pull-up?
  • Overhand or underhand: a description of each grip type
  • Chin-up test videos
  • Pull-up test norms
  • World Records for Chin-Ups


Q: How is the NAPFA pull-up test scored?
A: The maximum number of correctly completed pull-ups in half a minute is recorded.

Q: What is the purpose of the NAPFA pull-up test?
A: The NAPFA pull-up test measures upper body strength and endurance.


The NAPFA pull-up test is a valuable assessment of upper body strength utilized in Singapore’s National Physical Fitness Award Scheme. It encompasses two versions: full pull-ups for males over 15 and a modified inclined pull-up test for females and males aged 15 and under. This test measures upper body strength and endurance using a horizontal overhead bar or waist-high bar. Participants are scored based on the maximum number of correctly completed pull-ups in 30 seconds. The NAPFA pull-up test offers simplicity, accessibility, and quick execution, making it an ideal choice for evaluating upper body strength. For more information, visit the Auralpressure website and take a step towards enhancing your fitness journey.

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