Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Modified Thomas Test

The Modified Thomas Test is a flexibility test that specifically measures the hip flexibility of the iliopsoas and quadriceps muscles. This test is named after British orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Hugh Owen Thomas, who was known for his contributions to orthopaedic surgery.

Purpose of the Test

The purpose of the Modified Thomas Test is to assess the flexibility of the hips, focusing on the iliopsoas and quadriceps muscles.

Equipment Required

To perform this test, you will need a goniometer with extended arms and a spirit level (optional), as well as a firm table.

Test Procedure

  1. Explain the test procedures to the subject.
  2. Perform a screening of health risks and obtain informed consent.
  3. Ensure that the subject performs an appropriate warm-up.
  4. The subject sits at the very edge of a bench and rolls back onto the bench while pulling both knees to the chest. This position ensures that the lumbar spine is flat on the bench and the pelvis is posteriorly rotated.
  5. The subject holds the opposite hip in maximum flexion with the arms while the limb to be tested is lowered towards the floor.
  6. Use a goniometer to measure two angles for each side:
    • The first angle measures hip flexion and reflects the length of the iliopsoas. Align the stationary arm of the goniometer with the lateral midline of the pelvis and the moving arm with the midline of the femur, using the lateral epicondyle as a reference point.
    • The second angle measures knee flexion and reflects the length of the rectus femoris. Align the stationary arm of the goniometer with the lateral midline of the thigh, using the greater trochanter as a reference point. Place the fulcrum over the lateral epicondyle of the femur, and align the moving arm with the lateral midline of the fibula, using the lateral malleolus as a reference point.
  7. Repeat this procedure with the opposite side.
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Each angle is measured using the goniometer, resulting in two different angles for each leg. The measurement unit is degrees.


It is crucial for the subject to hold the opposite leg firmly to the chest during the test.


  • Q: What is the purpose of the Modified Thomas Test?

    • The purpose of this test is to evaluate the flexibility of the hip muscles, specifically the iliopsoas and quadriceps muscles.
  • Q: How is the Modified Thomas Test performed?

    • The subject sits at the edge of a bench, rolls back onto the bench while pulling both knees to the chest, and holds the opposite hip in maximum flexion with the arms. The angles of hip flexion and knee flexion are then measured using a goniometer.
  • Q: What equipment is required for the Modified Thomas Test?

    • To perform this test, you will need a goniometer with extended arms and a firm table.


The Modified Thomas Test is a valuable assessment tool for measuring hip flexibility, specifically targeting the iliopsoas and quadriceps muscles. By incorporating this test into your fitness routine, you can gain insights into your hip flexion and make informed decisions about your training and flexibility exercises.

For more information and resources related to fitness testing and flexibility, please visit Auralpressure.