Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Modified Pull-Up Test (Brockport)

The Modified Pull-Up Test is a variation of the hanging pull-up or chin-up test that is designed to make the exercise easier. In this test, participants lie straight horizontally and grasp a bar placed just out of reach, pulling themselves up towards the bar. This test is used to measure upper body pulling strength and endurance.

Test Setup

The participant lies on their back with their shoulders in line with the horizontal bar. The bar should be set at a height that is 1 to 2 inches above the participant’s fully extended arms. An elastic band is placed below the bar, marking the height to which the participant’s chin must rise for each repetition.


The participant positions themselves with their shoulders directly below the bar and grips the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width using an overhand grip. They lift their hips so that their body is straight and their arms are fully extended with the elbows locked. The participant then pulls their body up towards the bar until their chin rises above the elastic band. They repeat this motion as many times as possible, ensuring that their chin reaches the elastic for each repetition.


The maximum number of correctly performed pull-ups is recorded to determine the participant’s score.

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The Modified Pull-Up Test is a valuable tool for assessing upper body strength and endurance. It can be used by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals looking to improve their overall fitness level. By incorporating this test into your fitness routine, you can track your progress and set goals for improvement.


Q: What is the purpose of the Modified Pull-Up Test?
A: The purpose of the Modified Pull-Up Test is to measure upper body pulling strength and endurance.

Q: What equipment is required for the Modified Pull-Up Test?
A: The only equipment required for this test is a pull-up apparatus or any adjustable horizontal bar.

Q: How is the Modified Pull-Up Test performed?
A: The participant lies on their back, positions themselves with their shoulders directly below the horizontal bar, and grips the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width using an overhand grip. They then lift their hips, pull their body up towards the bar, and repeat this motion as many times as possible.


The Modified Pull-Up Test is a variation of the hanging pull-up or chin-up test that is designed to make the exercise easier. It measures upper body pulling strength and endurance and can be performed using a pull-up apparatus or any adjustable horizontal bar. The participant lies on their back, grips the bar, and pulls their body up towards the bar, repeating the motion as many times as possible. This test is a valuable tool for assessing upper body strength and can be used by individuals looking to improve their fitness level. Incorporating the Modified Pull-Up Test into your fitness routine can help you track your progress and set goals for improvement.

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For more information and to try the Modified Pull-Up Test, visit