Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Measuring Oxygen Consumption with Indirect Calorimetry

The measurement of the body’s oxygen consumption (VO2) is a crucial factor in exercise science. It provides insights into energy production and utilization. Oxygen consumption is used to determine resting metabolic rate (BMR) and measure exercise economy and aerobic capacity (VO2max). Additionally, it plays a role in calculating the respiratory quotient (RQ), which indicates the body’s use of fats and carbohydrates.

Indirect Calorimetry: A Reliable Method

Indirect calorimetry is a noninvasive method that accurately assesses energy expenditure and fuel utilization in the body. This approach relies on calculations based on the volume of air breathed in and the composition of the expired air. The principle behind it is that the difference between the volumes of inspired and expired oxygen and carbon dioxide represents the amount used by the body.

To measure the volume and composition of the expired air, various techniques can be employed. The most common method involves the use of a device, such as a pneumotach, flow meter, or turbine ventilometer, which measures the airflow through a mouthpiece and calculates the air volume accordingly. Alternatively, the expired air can be collected in Douglas bags or a Tissot tank for direct measurement. It’s important to account for air temperature and atmospheric pressure when performing volume calculations, usually converting all volumes to standard temperature and pressure (STPD).

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An oxygen and carbon dioxide analyzer is required to measure the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the expired air accurately.

Calculations to Determine Oxygen Consumption (VO2)

Oxygen uptake is calculated based on measurements of ventilation and the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the expired air. The results are typically presented as either liters per minute (l/min) or milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min).

The formula for calculating VO2 is as follows:

VO2 = (VI x 0.2095) - (VE x FEO2)

This formula calculates the difference between the amount of oxygen inspired (breathed in) and the amount expired (breathed out). It takes into account the volume of air breathed (VI) and the fraction of oxygen in the inspired or expired air (VI x FIO2 or VE x FEO2). The fraction of O2 in the air we breathe is considered the standard 0.2095 (20.95%).

Calculations to Determine Carbon Dioxide Production (CO2)

Similarly, carbon dioxide production (VCO2) can be calculated by determining the difference between the amount of carbon dioxide expired (breathed out) and the amount inspired (breathed in). The formula is as follows:

VCO2 = (VE x FECO2) - (VI x 0.0003)

This formula considers the volume of air breathed (VI), the fraction of carbon dioxide in the inspired or expired air (VI x FICO2 or VE x FECO2), and the standard composition of CO2 in the air we breathe, which is 0.0003 (0.03%).


Q: What is indirect calorimetry?
A: Indirect calorimetry is a reliable and noninvasive method for assessing energy expenditure and fuel utilization in the body. It involves measuring the volume of air breathed in and the composition of the expired air.

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Q: How is oxygen consumption (VO2) calculated?
A: Oxygen consumption is calculated by subtracting the amount of oxygen expired from the amount inspired. The calculation takes into account the volume of air breathed and the fraction of oxygen in the inspired or expired air.

Q: Why is measuring oxygen consumption important?
A: Measuring oxygen consumption provides valuable insights into resting metabolic rate, exercise economy, aerobic capacity, and the body’s utilization of fats and carbohydrates.


Measuring oxygen consumption through indirect calorimetry is a fundamental tool in exercise science. It helps determine resting metabolic rate, exercise economy, and aerobic capacity. By understanding the principles and calculations involved, fitness professionals can gain valuable insights into their clients’ energy production and fuel utilization during physical activities.

For more information about measuring oxygen consumption and fitness testing, visit Auralpressure.