Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Maximum Push-Up Test

The maximum push-up test is a widely used method to assess upper body strength. In this variation of the push-up test, participants aim to complete as many push-ups as possible without any time constraints. This test specifically evaluates the strength and endurance of the muscles in the shoulders, chest, and upper arms (triceps).

To conduct the maximum push-up test, you will need a floor mat or flat surface and a 4 inch foam cube. The test begins with the participant assuming the starting position: arms straight with elbows locked, body in a straight line, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing forward, and feet on the floor. A foam block is placed under the chest at the costal arch and above the zyphoid bone.

The goal is for the participant to lower their body until the foam cube is slightly compressed, with arms reaching at least parallel to the floor, and then push back up. It is important to maintain a straight back and lock the elbows during each extension. Resting is allowed, but only in the starting position.

The maximum number of correctly performed push-ups is recorded as the score. Some individuals may be able to do a high number of consecutive push-ups, so it may be appropriate to establish a maximum limit for the test.

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Please note that this test is commonly used in workplace assessments for organizations like the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission.

Similar Tests

  • Chair push-up
  • A Simple Push-Up Test that can be done at home.
  • Push-ups as performed in the US Army physical fitness test.

Related Pages

  • General push-up test procedures.
  • World Records for Push Ups.
  • Other speed and power tests.


Q: How do I perform the maximum push-up test?
A: To conduct the maximum push-up test, assume the starting position with your arms straight, body in a straight line, and hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until the foam cube underneath your chest is slightly compressed, with arms reaching at least parallel to the floor. Push back up, maintaining a straight back and locking the elbows during each extension. Resting is allowed, but only in the starting position.

Q: What muscles does the maximum push-up test assess?
A: The maximum push-up test assesses the strength and endurance of the muscles in the shoulders, chest, and upper arms (triceps).