Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Isometric Push-Up Test (Brockport)

The Isometric Push-Up Test is a valuable component of the Brockport fitness testing battery. Participants are required to maintain a raised push-up position for up to 40 seconds, assessing their maximum strength endurance of the chest and arm muscles. This test differs from the Isometric Push-Up Hold Test, which focuses on holding the lowered push-up position for as long as possible.

Test Procedure

To perform the Isometric Push-Up Test, the subject assumes the standard starting position for a push-up with hands directly below the shoulders, extended arms, a straight body line, and toes touching the floor or mat. The test concludes when the subject is unable to maintain the correct position or when the maximum time of 40 seconds has elapsed.

Scoring and Results

The results are recorded by measuring the length of time the correct position was held, rounding to the nearest second. The maximum score achievable is 40 seconds, indicating excellent strength endurance.

Target Population

Originally designed for children with disabilities, this test can be adapted for use with all children and even adults by modifying the maximum time period allowed.


Q: How is the Isometric Push-Up Test different from the Isometric Push-Up Hold Test?
A: The Isometric Push-Up Test focuses on maintaining a raised push-up position for a set duration, while the Isometric Push-Up Hold Test aims to hold the lowered push-up position for as long as possible.

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Q: What muscles are targeted during the Isometric Push-Up Test?
A: The Isometric Push-Up Test primarily assesses the maximum strength endurance of the chest and arm muscles.

Q: Can adults perform the Isometric Push-Up Test?
A: Yes, while originally designed for children with disabilities, the test can be adapted for use with adults by extending the maximum time period.


The Isometric Push-Up Test is an effective way to evaluate an individual’s maximum strength endurance in the chest and arm muscles. By holding a raised push-up position for up to 40 seconds, this test provides valuable insights into one’s physical fitness. Adaptations for use with different age groups make it a versatile assessment tool. For more information and additional fitness tests, please visit Auralpressure.

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