Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

How to Become a Firefighter in Australia

If you have ever considered becoming a firefighter in Australia, there are some important questions you need to answer and a few hurdles to overcome. In this article, we will guide you through the process of becoming a professional firefighter in Australia. Whether you are 100% committed to this career path or still exploring your options, we will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Is becoming a firefighter right for you?

Before embarking on this journey, it’s crucial to understand the role of a firefighter and the challenges that come with it. From day-to-day duties to potential difficulties like shift work, night shifts, weekends, and exposure to trauma, you need to consider if this is the right fit for you. If you can confidently answer “yes” to these questions, then it’s time to determine your level of commitment.

Choosing the right fire service

Australia has ten main fire services where you can apply to become a professional firefighter. Some of the notable ones are F&R NSW, QFES, FRV, SAMFS, DFES, NTF&R, TAS Fire, ARFF, and Military fire service. Each service varies in terms of competition, desirability, and recruitment volume. Research each service to determine which one suits you best and understand their recruitment process.

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Deconstructing the recruitment process

Becoming a firefighter in Australia involves several assessment stages, including application, cognitive or aptitude testing, firefighter personality profiling, physical testing, interviews, and background and medical checks. Let’s break them down:


Your application is your first impression, so make sure it’s impeccable. Follow the instructions precisely and ensure that every detail in your application presents you in the best light possible.

Cognitive or Aptitude Tests

Numerous companies administer aptitude tests for firefighter recruitment, such as Revelian, Safe Select, Pearson Vue, Saville, and Chandler Mcleod. Familiarize yourself with the test format and practice relevant mock exams to improve your performance. Game-based testing, like Cognify by Revelian, is also gaining traction, so be prepared for this type of assessment.

Firefighter Personality Profiling

Different services use various types of personality tests, such as work safety tests, talent screeners, work styles questionnaires, PCI profiling tests, and Revelian’s Emotify. Understand the particular test used by the service you are applying to and familiarize yourself with it to maximize your chances of success.

Physical Testing

Preparation is key when it comes to the physical testing stage. Even if you consider yourself fit, dedicate ample time to train specifically for this test. Pay attention to the specific requirements and nuances of the test to ensure you perform at your best.

Firefighter Interviews

The interview is an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills and dedication. Besides mastering the STAR technique and providing examples of your experience, go the extra mile to outperform other candidates. Prepare thoroughly and develop your interview skills to stand out from the competition.

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Background and Medical Checks

Anticipate any potential issues that may arise during the background and medical checks. Proactively address any concerns and ensure that your online presence reflects positively on you. Remember that the information you present to the public matters, so clean up your online persona if necessary.

By following these fundamental steps, you will be well on your way to becoming a firefighter in Australia. Remember, the competition can be fierce, but with proper preparation and dedication, you can beat the odds and pursue your dream career.

Brent Clayton
Founder – Auralpressure.com


Q: What are the main fire services in Australia?

A: Australia has ten main fire services where you can apply to become a professional firefighter. Some notable ones include F&R NSW, QFES, FRV, SAMFS, DFES, NTF&R, TAS Fire, ARFF, and the Military fire service.

Q: What is the recruitment process to become a firefighter in Australia like?

A: The recruitment process typically includes stages such as application, cognitive or aptitude testing, firefighter personality profiling, physical testing, interviews, and background and medical checks. Each stage plays a crucial role in determining your suitability for the role.