Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Horizontal Pull-Up Test

The Horizontal Pull-Up Fitness Test is a modified version of the hanging pull-up or chin-up test, designed to measure upper body pulling strength and endurance. In this variation, the whole body weight does not need to be pulled up, making it slightly easier than the traditional pull-up. Another similar test is the Modified Pull-Up Test, where the legs are kept straight. Additionally, the Bench Pull Test targets similar muscle groups and offers the advantage of greater control over the resistance used.


This test is specifically designed to measure upper body pulling strength and endurance.

Equipment Required

To perform the Horizontal Pull-Up Test, you will need a horizontal weight bar and an adjustable rack that allows you to set the bar at an appropriate height.


Here are the steps to follow for the Horizontal Pull-Up Test:

  1. Set up the horizontal bar on the rack, ensuring that the bar is at a height where, when the participant’s arms are fully extended, their upper body is just off the ground.
  2. The subject should grasp the bar slightly wider than shoulder width using an overhand grip.
  3. Place the feet flat on the ground so that the knees are bent at approximately right angles, and lift the hips so that the body is straight and the arms are fully extended with the elbows locked.
  4. Pull the body up towards the bar until the shoulders are above the elbows.
  5. Lower the body back down until the arms are fully extended.
  6. Repeat this movement as many times as possible, ensuring that the shoulders raise above the elbows for each repetition.
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The maximum number of correctly performed pull-ups is recorded as the score for the Horizontal Pull-Up Test.

Similar Tests

  • Modified Pull-Up: In this variation, the body is kept horizontal, and the participant must grasp a bar set just out of reach, pulling up towards the bar.
  • Bench Pull Test
  • Flexed-Arm Hang Test from the PFT
  • Pull-up procedure from the PFT
  • NAPFA pull up
  • General testing procedure for the Pull-Up Test

Related Pages

  • Where to buy pull-up or chin-up bars.
  • POLL: Do you call it a chin-up or pull-up?
  • Chin-up test videos
  • Overhand or underhand – a description of each of the grip types
  • Other strength tests
  • Description of the chin-up fitness exercise


Q: What is the purpose of the Horizontal Pull-Up Test?
A: The Horizontal Pull-Up Test is designed to measure upper body pulling strength and endurance.

Q: What equipment is required for the Horizontal Pull-Up Test?
A: To perform the Horizontal Pull-Up Test, you will need a horizontal weight bar and an adjustable rack to set the bar at an appropriate height.

Q: How is the Horizontal Pull-Up Test scored?
A: The maximum number of correctly performed pull-ups is recorded as the score for the Horizontal Pull-Up Test.

Q: Are there any similar tests to the Horizontal Pull-Up Test?
A: Yes, there are similar tests such as the Modified Pull-Up, Bench Pull Test, and Flexed-Arm Hang Test from the PFT, among others.

Q: Where can I buy pull-up or chin-up bars?
A: You can find pull-up or chin-up bars at various sporting goods stores or online retailers.

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Q: How can I differentiate between a chin-up and a pull-up?
A: The main difference between a chin-up and a pull-up is the grip type. In a chin-up, the palms face towards you (underhand grip), while in a pull-up, the palms face away from you (overhand grip).

Q: Are there any other strength tests I can perform?
A: Yes, there are numerous strength tests available, targeting different muscle groups and areas of fitness.