Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Four Square

Four Square, also known as square ball, box ball, champ, handball, or king’s corner, is a popular ball game played among four players on a square-shaped court divided into four quadrants. This simple sport can be played both indoors and outdoors on any hard surface that allows the ball to bounce. Due to its minimal equipment requirements and easy setup, Four Square has gained popularity worldwide.

The Game and Objectives

In Four Square, players aim to eliminate their opponents to achieve a higher rank. The game is played with a rubber playground ball, tennis ball, or volleyball on a square court measuring 16 feet. The court is divided into four equally-sized squares, with each quadrant occupied by a single player.

To gain a higher rank, players must hit the ball onto any of the other players’ squares within a single bounce on their own square. Holding, carrying, or extended contact with the ball is not allowed. Multiple players can participate in a match, with the first four players starting while others wait in line. Players are eliminated if they fail to return the ball fairly, and the remaining players move up to the next ranking boxes. A new player enters the lowest ranking box to continue the match.

Playing Four Square

Four Square is primarily played by kids at the high school level as a recreational activity. However, there is also a competitive aspect to the sport, with the annual Four Square World Championships attracting adult participants from around the world.

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Q: How many players participate in Four Square?
A: Four players participate in a game of Four Square.

Q: What type of ball is used in Four Square?
A: Four Square can be played with a rubber playground ball, tennis ball, or volleyball.

Q: Can Four Square be played indoors?
A: Yes, Four Square can be played indoors or outdoors on any hard surface.

Q: What are the dimensions of the Four Square court?
A: The Four Square court is a square measuring 16 feet, with each side of the court divided into four smaller squares.


Four Square, also known as square ball or king’s corner, is a popular sport played among four players on a square-shaped court. The objective of the game is to eliminate opponents and achieve a higher rank. It is a versatile sport that can be played both indoors and outdoors with minimal equipment. Whether played for recreation or in competitive settings like the Four Square World Championships, this game offers fun and excitement for players of all ages.

For more information on Four Square and other sports, be sure to visit our website. Join the Four Square community and discover the joy of this engaging sport!