Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Fitness Testing for the US Secret Service

Applicants wishing to join the US Secret Service are required to undergo a comprehensive pre-employment physical fitness assessment known as the Applicant Physical Abilities Test (APAT). This test has been specifically developed for use by the Secret Service and is designed to evaluate an applicant’s physical capabilities, ensuring they meet the requirements for the Special Agent and Uniformed Division Officer roles.

Applicant Physical Abilities Test (APAT)

The APAT is a pre-employment physical fitness test that is administered during the entry-level hiring process. It consists of four test components, which are administered in the following order:

  • Push-Ups: This test assesses upper body muscular strength and endurance. Applicants are required to complete as many correctly performed push-ups as possible within one minute. The minimum requirement for this test is 14 push-ups.

  • Sit-Ups: The sit-up test evaluates abdominal strength. Applicants must perform as many correctly performed sit-ups as they can within one minute. The minimum requirement for this test is 22 sit-ups.

  • Illinois Agility Run: This component measures an applicant’s anaerobic power and ability to quickly change directions. The test involves completing a short distance run with changes in direction as fast as possible. This test is scored based on the applicant’s best trial, with a minimum requirement of completing the run in less than 23.89 seconds.

  • 1.5-Mile Run: This test evaluates cardiovascular endurance. Applicants have the option to complete the run indoors or outdoors on a marked hard and flat surface with minimal sharp turns. Walking or stopping during the run is permitted, and the total time required to complete the distance is recorded. The minimum requirement for this test is completing the run in under 19 minutes and 41 seconds.

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The APAT is scored on a point-based system. Each test component is scored on a scale from 1 to 8 points. To pass the test, applicants must meet the minimum level for all components and achieve a minimum cumulative score of 20 points. It is important to note that the standards for scoring remain the same regardless of the applicant’s age, gender, or the specific job they are applying for.


Q: What is the purpose of the APAT?
A: The APAT is designed to assess an applicant’s physical fitness and ensure they meet the requirements for the Special Agent and Uniformed Division Officer roles within the US Secret Service.

Q: Are there different standards for different genders or age groups?
A: No, the standards for scoring on the APAT remain the same regardless of age, gender, or the specific job being applied for. All applicants are evaluated based on the same criteria.

Q: Can applicants walk or stop during the 1.5-mile run test?
A: Yes, applicants are permitted to walk or stop during the 1.5-mile run test. The goal is to complete the distance in under 19 minutes and 41 seconds, but there is flexibility in how the test is completed.


In summary, applicants looking to join the US Secret Service must undergo the Applicant Physical Abilities Test (APAT). This test consists of four components: push-ups, sit-ups, the Illinois Agility Run, and a 1.5-mile run. Each component is scored on a scale from 1 to 8 points, and applicants must meet the minimum requirements for all components and achieve a minimum cumulative score of 20 points to pass. The APAT is designed to assess an applicant’s physical capabilities and ensure they are suitable for the roles within the Secret Service. For more information and to begin the application process, visit the Auralpressure website.

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