Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Fitness Testing for Intermittent Sports

In team sports like rugby, soccer, and Aussie Rules football, athletes need to possess a wide range of fitness abilities specific to their sport. These include the ability to sprint at high intensity, strength and power, speed, agility, and endurance. The demands of the sport can vary based on factors such as playing position, level of play, officiating style, and tactical approach.

To design an effective testing regime for athletes in intermittent sports, it’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of the physiological demands of the sport. Fitness test protocols should closely match these demands. Since intermittent sports require athletes to repeatedly produce short bursts of high-intensity work with limited recovery time, it’s important to assess both their anaerobic capacity and their ability to recover from these bursts.

Testing anaerobic capacity involves measuring anaerobic power and recovery ability. There are several tests available, including the 30-second Wingate test, 10 & 30-second tri-level anaerobic tests, Cunningham-Faulkner test, 300 yard Shuttle, 60 Yard Shuttle (NFL), 300m run, and 800m run. While these tests have their uses, they may not fully replicate the demands of intermittent sports.

To address this, there are tests specifically designed to assess repeat sprint ability, such as the Sprint Fatigue Test, Phosphate Recovery Test, RAST, Dal Monte repeat sprint test, AFL Sprint Recovery Test, FIFA Interval Test 1, Repeat Sprint Ability Test, Henman Shuttle Test, and Sonic Test. These tests aim to mimic the variable intensity and duration of sprints during play.

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However, creating a test that accurately replicates the demands of intermittent sports is challenging. Sprints during play can vary in intensity and duration, making it difficult to control all factors and create a reproducible test. Despite the limitations, several tests have been developed to address these issues.

The Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test is a widely used test that simulates the demands of soccer matches. It involves jogging, running, and sprinting between two lines, with speeds based on the player’s fitness levels. The Yo-Yo Intermittent Test, Soccer FIT Interval Test, Futsal Intermittent Endurance Test, Water Polo Intermittent Shuttle Test, 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test, Interval Shuttle Run Test, Gacon Test, J.A.M. Intermittent Test, FIFA Interval Test 2, and Andersen Test are other tests designed to assess the fitness of athletes in intermittent sports.

While these tests may not perfectly replicate the demands of the sport, they provide valuable insights into athletes’ fitness abilities. It’s important to choose tests that closely align with the specific requirements of the sport and consider other factors such as individual fitness levels and training goals.


Q: Are these fitness tests suitable for all intermittent sports?
A: While these tests were developed for soccer and similar sports, they can be adapted for other intermittent sports as well.

Q: How can these tests help coaches and athletes?
A: These tests provide valuable information about athletes’ anaerobic capacity, recovery ability, and overall fitness levels. Coaches can use the results to tailor training programs and track progress over time.

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Q: Can these tests accurately replicate the demands of intermittent sports?
A: Replicating the exact demands of intermittent sports is challenging due to the variable nature of sprints during play. However, these tests provide a valuable assessment of athletes’ fitness abilities and can help identify areas for improvement.


Fitness testing is crucial for athletes in intermittent sports to assess their anaerobic capacity, recovery ability, and overall fitness levels. While no test can perfectly replicate the demands of intermittent sports, there are several tests available that come close. Coaches and athletes can use these tests to tailor training programs and track progress over time. It’s important to choose tests that closely align with the specific requirements of the sport and consider individual fitness levels. Regular fitness testing can contribute to improved performance and overall athletic development.

For more information on fitness testing and a comprehensive list of different tests, visit our website Don’t miss out on the chance to optimize your training and reach your full potential in intermittent sports.