Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

FIFA Change of Direction Ability (CODA) Test

The FIFA Change of Direction Ability (CODA) test is an official fitness test for Assistant Referees in soccer. This agility test assesses the ability of assistant referees to quickly change direction on the field. It is one of the three official FIFA Fitness Tests for Assistant Referees, alongside the FIFA (Repeat Sprint) Interval Test – Part 1 and the FIFA Interval Test – Part 2.


The purpose of the FIFA Change of Direction Ability (CODA) test is to evaluate the individual’s ability to change direction effectively. It is specifically designed to test the physical demands placed on soccer assistant referees during matches.

Equipment Required

To conduct this test, you will need approximately 15 meters of clear non-slip surface, timing gates, marking cones, and a measuring tape.

Test Setup

The test setup involves marking start and turn lines on the ground, which should be 10 meters apart. Additionally, a line is marked 0.5 meters before the start line and 2 meters after the start line. A timing gate is positioned at the start line, which will record the finish time.

Test Procedure

During the test, the participant’s front foot is placed behind the starting line, 0.5 meters before the timing gates. They then run maximally for 10 meters in a straight line. After reaching the 10-meter mark, they must quickly change direction and run sideways to the left for 8 meters. Following that, they change direction again and run sideways to the right for 8 meters. Finally, the participant must turn and sprint 10 meters straight back through the starting gates.

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The time taken to complete the trial is recorded. The standard is to complete the test within a maximum time of 10 seconds per trial. If the standard is not reached, the participant may have another attempt.

Target Population

The CODA test was specifically developed for assistant soccer referees. However, it may also be suitable for other referees and sportspeople who require similar side running attributes.


  • If the participant falls or trips during the test, they should be given an additional trial.
  • Prior to 2015, the official FIFA fitness test for assistant referees consisted of just two tests: the Repeated Sprint Ability (RSA) and the FIFA Interval Test 2.
  • The recommended rest time between the end of the Change of Direction Test and the start of the Repeated Sprint Ability is 2 to 4 minutes. The rest time between the end of the Repeated Sprint Ability and the start of the Interval Test should be 6 to 8 minutes.

The Test in Action

FIFA Change of Direction Ability Test

Similar Tests

  • Simple 1-minute Side Step Test
  • T-Test — running a T-shape course involving forward, lateral, and backwards running.
  • SEMO Agility run — run around a rectangular area incorporating forward sprints, diagonal backpedaling, and side shuffling.
  • 20m 5-10-5 agility shuttle — run 5 meters to one side, 10 meters back the other way, finishing with 5 meters back to the start line.
  • FIFA Interval Test (Part 1) – 6 x 40m sprints with 60 seconds recovery between bouts.
  • FIFA Interval Test (Part 2) – alternating 75m run and 25m walk, repeating this for 10 laps.
  • Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance Test — an intermittent yo-yo type test involving forwards and sideways running.
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Related Pages

  • Other agility tests
  • FIFA Testing for Referees
  • Fitness Tests for field officials (umpires, referees)
  • About fitness testing for soccer.
  • Nutrition for Field Officials, Referees, and Umpires


Q: Who is the FIFA Change of Direction Ability (CODA) test for?
A: The CODA test is specifically designed for assistant soccer referees, but it may also be suitable for other referees and sportspeople who require similar side running abilities.

Q: How is the CODA test scored?
A: The test is scored based on the time taken to complete the trial. The standard is to complete the test within a maximum time of 10 seconds per trial.

Q: Are there any other tests similar to the CODA test?
A: Yes, there are several similar tests, such as the T-Test, SEMO Agility run, and the 20m 5-10-5 agility shuttle. These tests assess an individual’s agility and ability to change direction effectively.


The FIFA Change of Direction Ability (CODA) test is an official fitness test for Assistant Referees in soccer. Its goal is to assess the ability of assistant referees to quickly change direction during matches. The test involves running straight, changing direction sideways, and sprinting back to the start line. Participants are scored based on their completion time, with a maximum allowed time of 10 seconds per trial. The CODA test is just one of several agility tests utilized in soccer and other sports. It is essential for referees and sports officials to possess the necessary agility and side running attributes to perform their duties effectively on the field.

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For more information on fitness tests, FIFA Testing for Referees, and fitness testing for soccer, visit