Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Cooper 12-Minute Run Test: Norms and Results

The Cooper 12-minute run test is a widely recognized and effective way to measure aerobic fitness. In this article, we will provide you with the norms and results of this test for both males and females in both metric and imperial units.

Cooper Test Results for Males (in Meters)

The following table displays the normative values for males on the Cooper 12-minute run test in meters:


Cooper Test Results for Females (in Meters)

For females, the table below presents the normative values for the Cooper 12-minute run test in meters:


Cooper Test Results for Males (in Yards)

Here are the normative values for males on the Cooper 12-minute run test in yards:


Cooper Test Results for Females (in Yards)

Lastly, the table below shows the normative values for females on the Cooper 12-minute run test in yards:

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Q: How does the Cooper 12-minute run test work?
A: The Cooper test involves running as far as possible in 12 minutes. It is a measure of aerobic endurance and can provide valuable insights into your fitness level.

Q: Are there any age-specific norms for this test?
A: The available norms are not age-specific. However, bear in mind that individual factors such as age, sex, and fitness level can influence your performance.

Q: Can I use the Cooper test to estimate my VO2max?
A: Yes, your performance on the Cooper test can be used as an estimate of your VO2max, which is a measure of your cardiovascular fitness.


The Cooper 12-minute run test is a valuable tool for assessing aerobic fitness. In this article, we provided norms and results for both males and females in both metric and imperial units. By understanding your performance in relation to these norms, you can gain insights into your cardiovascular health and overall fitness level. If you’re looking to improve your endurance or track your progress, the Cooper 12-minute run test is a reliable and effective option. Lace up your shoes, head to the track, and give it a try! For more information on fitness testing and exercise, visit Auralpressure.

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Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a qualified fitness professional before starting any exercise program or fitness test.