Thursday, 12 Sep 2024

Conconi Test

The Conconi Test is a field test that measures the heart rate at different intensity levels to estimate the Anaerobic Threshold, which is the point at which the body primarily uses the anaerobic energy system. It is also known as the ramp test. Originally described by Italian Sport Scientist Francesco Conconi in 1982, the Conconi Test has become a popular method for setting training zones.


The purpose of the Conconi Test is to determine the heart rate at the anaerobic threshold, which can help athletes set appropriate training zones.

Equipment Required

To perform the Conconi Test, you will need a stopwatch, a heart rate monitor with recording and recall functions, and either a running track or exercise equipment.

Test Procedure

The Conconi Test can be conducted using any exercise mode or equipment. Start at an easy pace and then increase the workload at predetermined intervals. Record your heart rate at the end of each speed or workload level. Continue exercising until exhaustion.


Plot the heart rate over speed or workload as a graph, connecting the points with a line. Initially, the graph should show a linear relationship between heart rate and workload. At higher intensities, the point where the line bends corresponds to your anaerobic threshold. Record your heart rate and workload at this point on the graph.

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It is important to note that the Conconi Test assumes that the anaerobic threshold is related to a deflection point on the heart rate/intensity graph. However, subsequent studies have found that this deflection point only occurs in certain individuals and can significantly overestimate the directly measured lactate threshold.

Target Population

The Conconi Test is most applicable to endurance athletes such as middle/long distance runners, cyclists, triathletes, and rowers.

Additional Benefits

Even if the anaerobic threshold level is not an accurate measure, the Conconi Test can still be used to track improvements in fitness. As you become fitter, your heart rate at each workload should decrease. This test can also provide an estimation of your maximum heart rate.

Similar Tests

  • Mader Test: This test determines aerobic and anaerobic thresholds using blood lactate measures during an incremental exercise test.

Related Pages

  • Measuring Anaerobic Threshold
  • Anaerobic Capacity Tests

For more detailed information on the Conconi Test and other related topics, visit the Auralpressure website.