Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Beep Test Norms and Ratings

Conducting the beep test is an essential step in assessing the aerobic fitness of athletes. However, analyzing and interpreting the results is crucial to understand their implications and adjust training accordingly. To help you make sense of your beep test results, we have compiled a set of normative values that allow you to rate your performance.

There are two sets of norms available. The first set, created by Auralpressure, is based on data from VO2max norms, athlete results, and personal experience. These norms serve as a general guide but should not be considered definitive. The second set of data is derived from a comprehensive study of over 1 million youth aged 9-17 years.

Auralpressure Beep Test Norms

Below are the beep test ratings for ages 12 and above, created by Auralpressure. These ratings are presented as the level number followed by the number of shuttles completed. Use these norms as a general guide to assess your performance in the beep test.

  • Males 12+
  • Females 12+

Norms for Youth aged 9 to 17 years

The following norm tables were adapted from a worldwide study conducted over a period of 35 years. These tables provide a wider range of scores for children compared to the previous set, but it is generally easier to achieve higher ratings for the corresponding age groups. These tables are suitable for testing groups of all abilities, such as school groups.

  • Boys
  • Girls
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Please note that the original data in the research paper was presented as percentiles and has been converted here for easier understanding.

More Comparisons

Curious to see how you measure up? Check out a list of beep test standards for various vocations and sports. You can also compare your results to those of athletes and discover the best beep test scores ever recorded.


Q: What is the beep test?
A: The beep test, also known as the multi-stage fitness test, is a running test designed to measure aerobic endurance. Participants run back and forth between two points, indicated by audio cues or beeps. The test consists of progressively faster runs at set intervals until the participant can no longer keep up with the pace.

Q: How can I improve my beep test score?
A: Improving your beep test score requires a combination of cardiovascular fitness and endurance training. Incorporating interval training, such as shuttle runs and sprints, can help improve your speed and stamina. It’s also important to maintain a consistent training regimen and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.

Q: Are there any age-specific beep test norms?
A: Yes, there are age-specific norms available for both adolescents and adults. It’s important to refer to the appropriate norms for your age group to accurately evaluate your performance in the beep test.


Understanding the norms and ratings associated with the beep test can provide valuable insight into your aerobic fitness level. By comparing your results to these norms, you can gauge your performance and make informed decisions when it comes to training and improving your endurance. Remember, the beep test is just one aspect of overall fitness, and it’s essential to consider other factors such as strength, flexibility, and agility in your training regimen. Keep pushing yourself and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and you’ll continue to see improvements in your beep test scores.

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