Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance Test (ARIET)

The Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance Test (ARIET) is a specialized fitness test designed specifically for football assistant referees. This test assesses their ability to perform job-specific intervals over an extended period of time. The ARIET is based on the Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance Test (Level 2), which is a well-established test for evaluating aerobic endurance.


The primary purpose of the ARIET is to evaluate a referee’s ability to repeatedly perform specific intervals required during a football match. This test aims to measure their endurance and fitness levels to ensure they can effectively fulfill their role on the field.

Test Layout and Procedure

The ARIET involves running forwards and sideways in a yo-yo fashion. The test area is marked with cones to define the lines for running. The referee starts from the designated start line and runs forwards for 20 meters when instructed by an audio track. Upon hearing a beep, the referee turns and returns to the starting point. There is a 5-second active recovery period between each out and back shuttle, during which the referee walks to a 2.5-meter cone and returns to the starting point. The next shuttle involves running sideways for 12.5 meters out and back, with each run facing the same side. The test continues with alternating 20-meter forwards running and 12-meter sideways running, separated by a 2.5-meter/5-second recovery period. If a referee fails to complete a shuttle successfully within the allocated time, they receive a warning. Failure to complete subsequent shuttles successfully will result in removal from the test.

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Scoring and Reliability

The referee’s score for the ARIET is the total distance covered before they are unable to keep up with the recording. The test utilizes the same audio recording as the Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance Test (Level 2), with consistent speed levels and shuttle distances. The reliability of the test depends on the adherence to proper timing and technique, as well as the previous practice allowed for the referees.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The ARIET offers several advantages, including the ability to test large groups simultaneously with minimal costs. However, it is essential to note that practice and motivation levels can influence the attained score, and the subjective scoring of test failures can vary. Additionally, environmental conditions can impact the results, as the test is typically conducted outdoors. Lastly, the purchase of the test audio track is required.

Target Population

While the ARIET was specifically designed for football assistant referees, it may also be suitable for other sportspeople and umpires who engage in significant amounts of sideways running.


Q: What is the purpose of the ARIET?
A: The ARIET evaluates a referee’s ability to repeatedly perform job-specific intervals over a prolonged period of time.

Q: What equipment is required for the ARIET?
A: The ARIET requires a flat, non-slip surface, marking cones, measuring tape, a yo-yo (YYIE2) audio track in MP3 format or the Team BeepTest software, a CD player, and recording sheets.

Q: How is the ARIET scored?
A: The referee’s score is based on the total distance covered before they are unable to keep up with the recording.

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Q: Can the ARIET be used for sports other than football?
A: While the ARIET was designed for football assistant referees, it may be suitable for other sportspeople and umpires who engage in significant amounts of sideways running.


The ARIET is a valuable fitness test for football assistant referees, allowing them to assess their endurance levels and ensure they can effectively perform their duties on the field. By incorporating intervals of forwards and sideways running, this test simulates the movements required during a football match. With proper administration and consistent scoring, the ARIET provides meaningful insights into a referee’s physical capabilities.

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