Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

American Handball

American Handball is a fascinating sport with a rich history that dates back to 1873. While it shares a name with European Handball, the two sports are quite different. In this article, we will explore the world of American Handball, its variations, and related sports.

The Basics of American Handball

In American Handball, players use their hands to strike a small rubber ball against a wall. The objective is to hit the ball in a way that makes it difficult for the opponent to return. The game can be played with 2, 3, or 4 players, and it can take place in a variety of court settings, including single walled, three-wall, or fully enclosed courts. The standard court dimensions are 40×20 feet, with the four-wall court being the only one with a ceiling.

Variations of American Handball

American Handball has given rise to various variations that are popular in different settings. These include:

  • Chinese Handball: Similar to Wallball, this form of American Handball is popular on the streets of New York.
  • Wallball: A wall-based sport where players hit a hi-bounce rubber ball onto a wall after a single bounce, similar to squash.
  • Prison Handball: A simplified version of American Handball, popular in many North American prisons.

Related Sports

American Handball is just one of many sports that involve hitting a ball against a wall. Some other sports in this category include:

  • Frisian Handball: A traditional sport from the Netherlands that involves attempting to land a ball at the end of a long rectangular field.
  • Basque Pelota: A variety of court sports that involve hitting a ball against a wall using various tools like a hand, racket, wooden bat, or basket.
  • Jai Alai: Derived from Basque Pelota, this sport is played indoors and is particularly popular in Latin American countries.
  • Paddleball (1 wall): Similar to American Handball, but players use a paddle to hit the ball.
  • International Fronton: Played with bare hands, this sport involves striking a ball against a wall with rules adapted from various wall ball sports, including American Handball.
  • Gaelic Handball: A wall-based sport played in Ireland, similar to squash, but the ball is hit with the hand.
  • Fives: An English sport where a ball is propelled against walls in a specially designed court using a bare or gloved hand.
  • Australian Handball: Players use their hands to hit a ball against one or two walls. It’s similar to squash but played without a racquet.
  • Squash: A racquet sport played in a four-walled court with a small hollow rubber ball.
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Q: How old is American Handball?
A: American Handball has been around since 1873.

Q: What are the different variations of American Handball?
A: Some popular variations of American Handball include Chinese Handball, Wallball, and Prison Handball.

Q: What are some related sports to American Handball?
A: Some related sports include Frisian Handball, Basque Pelota, Jai Alai, Paddleball, International Fronton, Gaelic Handball, Fives, Australian Handball, and Squash.


American Handball is a captivating sport that has been enjoyed since 1873. It involves hitting a small rubber ball against a wall using only the hands. The game can be played with 2, 3, or 4 players in various types of courts. American Handball has given rise to different variations such as Chinese Handball, Wallball, and Prison Handball. Additionally, there are several other sports that involve hitting a ball against a wall, including Frisian Handball, Basque Pelota, Jai Alai, Paddleball, International Fronton, Gaelic Handball, Fives, Australian Handball, and Squash. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, American Handball offers a thrilling and challenging experience for all.