Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Agility T-Test

The Agility T-Test is a versatile running test that assesses agility through a combination of forward, lateral, and backward movements. This test is applicable to a wide range of sports and can be easily conducted with minimal equipment.


The primary purpose of the T-Test is to evaluate an athlete’s agility. By incorporating forward, lateral, and backward running, this test provides a comprehensive assessment of an athlete’s ability to change direction quickly and efficiently.

Equipment Required

To conduct the Agility T-Test, you will need the following equipment:

  • Tape measure
  • Marking cones
  • Stopwatch
  • Timing gates (optional)

Test Setup

Set up four cones as illustrated in the diagram above. Each cone’s distance should be accurate, with 5 yards (4.57 meters) and 10 yards (9.14 meters) indicated.

Test Procedure

The subject begins at cone A and, upon the timer’s command, sprints to cone B and touches the base with their right hand. They then turn left and shuffle sideways to cone C, touching its base with their left hand. The subject then shuffles sideways to the right, reaching cone D and touching the base with their right hand. They then shuffle back to cone B, touch it with their left hand, and finally run backward to cone A. The stopwatch is stopped as they pass cone A.


To ensure accurate scoring, follow the guidelines below:

  • Dismiss trials where the subject crosses one foot in front of the other while shuffling, fails to touch the base of the cones, or does not face forward throughout the test.
  • Choose the best time out of three successful trials, rounding it to the nearest 0.1 seconds.
  • The table below displays some scores for adult team sport athletes.
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Athlete Level Time (seconds)
Excellent < 9.6
Very Good 9.6 – 10.2
Good 10.3 – 10.9
Average 11.0 – 12.0
Below Average 12.1 – 13.2
Poor > 13.2

Safety Considerations

To ensure the safety of participants, keep in mind the following:

  • Instruct participants to face forward during shuffling and avoid crossing their feet.
  • Position a spotter a few meters behind cone A to provide assistance in case a participant falls while running backward through the finish.


To ensure reliable results, it is crucial to perform the test on a consistent surface.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The Agility T-Test offers several advantages, including simplicity, minimal equipment requirements, and limited space needs. However, one drawback is that only one person can perform the test at a time.


  • Semenick, D. (1990). The T-test. NSCA Journal, 12(1), 36-37.
  • Pauole Kainoa; Madole, Kent; Garhammer, John; Lacourse, Michael; Rozenek, Ralph. (2000). Reliability and Validity of the T-Test as a Measure of Agility, Leg Power, and Leg Speed in College-Aged Men and Women. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 14. 10.1519/00124278-200011000-00012.

Similar Tests

  • Simple 1-minute side step test
  • 20m 5-10-5 agility shuttle — run 5 meters to one side, 10 meters back the other way, finishing with 5 meters back to the start line.
  • FIFA Change of Direction Ability (CODA) Test — forwards and sideways running over 8-10 meters.
  • SEMO Agility run — run around a rectangular area incorporating forward sprints, diagonal backpedaling, and side shuffling.

Related Pages

  • Other agility tests
  • About Agility Testing
  • Complete list of fitness tests
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Q: What is the purpose of the Agility T-Test?
The Agility T-Test is designed to assess an athlete’s agility through a series of forward, lateral, and backward movements. It provides valuable information about an athlete’s ability to change direction quickly and efficiently.

Q: How many trials should be conducted for accurate scoring?
To ensure the most accurate score, three successful trials should be performed, and the best time should be recorded.

Q: Can multiple people participate in the Agility T-Test simultaneously?
No, the Agility T-Test is designed for one participant at a time.

The Agility T-Test is a running test that evaluates an athlete’s agility using forward, lateral, and backward movements. This test is simple to conduct and requires minimal equipment. By following the proper setup and test procedures, accurate scores can be obtained. It is crucial to prioritize safety during the test and ensure participants follow the guidelines to avoid injury. The Agility T-Test provides valuable information about an athlete’s agility and can be used in various sports. For more information about agility testing and other fitness tests, refer to related pages. Conduct the Agility T-Test to assess and enhance an athlete’s agility performance.