Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Floor Touch Test

The Floor Touch Test is a simple and effective way to measure the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. Similar to the sit and reach test, this assessment involves touching the floor with the fingertips for 10 seconds. It is part of the Kraus-Weber fitness test protocols, which evaluate the strength and flexibility of key postural (core) muscles.


The purpose of the Floor Touch Test is to assess the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. Having good flexibility in these areas is essential because tightness can lead to issues such as lumbar lordosis, forward pelvic tilt, and lower back pain.

Procedure and Scoring

To conduct the test, the subject stands erect, barefooted, with hands at their sides and feet together. They are then instructed to slowly lean down and touch the floor with their fingertips for 10 seconds. Bouncing and jerking movements are not allowed, and the examiner ensures that the knees remain straight without any bending.

The test is graded on a pass-fail basis. The subject must hold the position correctly for the entire duration of the test to pass. It is important to note that the Kraus-Weber test comprises six exercises, and failing to perform even one of them results in overall test failure.

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Advantages and Modifications

The Floor Touch Test offers several advantages. It is a straightforward assessment that can be conducted quickly and requires minimal equipment. In some cases, a modified scoring system is used, where the test is scored from 0-10 depending on the number of seconds the body can hold the appropriate position.

Test in Action

The Floor Touch Test is part of the Kraus-Weber fitness test protocols, which include various assessments to evaluate overall fitness and flexibility.

Similar Tests

  • Stand & Reach: This test involves standing on a raised surface and bending forward with straight legs to measure how far the fingers can reach past the toes.
  • Toe Touch: This test measures the distance from the fingertips to the ground.
  • Schober Test: The Schober Test assesses the flexibility of the lumbar spine by measuring the stretching of the skin over the lumbar spine while bending forward.

Related Pages

  • More about the Kraus-Weber fitness tests
  • General description of the sit and reach test
  • Other flexibility tests
  • Hamstring flexibility exercises on this list of stretches

For more detailed information about the Floor Touch Test and other fitness assessments, visit Auralpressure.


Coming soon…


The Floor Touch Test is an effective way to evaluate the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. By incorporating this test into your fitness routine, you can better understand your body’s flexibility and identify areas that may require improvement. Remember to perform all tests in a safe and controlled manner, and consult with a fitness professional if you have any concerns or questions. Stay flexible and stay fit!

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