Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Introducing the Maximal Anaerobic Running Test (MART)

The Maximal Anaerobic Running Test (MART) is a scientifically developed assessment designed by the Research Institute for Olympic Sports in Jyvaskyla, Finland. This test focuses on evaluating anaerobic power during sprint activities and the individual’s ability to recover between efforts. In this article, we will explore the purpose, equipment required, procedure, scoring, target population, and some additional notes about the MART.

Purpose of the MART

The primary objective of the MART is to measure anaerobic power, specifically during sprinting, and assess an individual’s recovery capacity between sprints. By conducting this test, athletes and fitness enthusiasts can gain valuable insights into their anaerobic capabilities, enabling them to optimize their training programs for improved performance.

Equipment Required

To perform the MART, you will need a treadmill that can be adjusted to various gradients and a stopwatch. These basic pieces of equipment are essential for conducting the test accurately and obtaining reliable results.

Test Procedure

Before starting the MART, it is important to have a proper warm-up. This includes running on the treadmill at a speed of 8 km/h and 0% grade for 5 minutes. Additionally, practice should be provided for getting on and off the treadmill at high speeds to ensure safety.

The test itself consists of a series of 20-second sprints on the treadmill, with 100-second recovery periods between each sprint. The initial sprint is performed at a speed of 3.97 m/s (14.3 km/h) with an inclination of 5 degrees (8.75%). For subsequent runs, the speed is increased by 0.35 m/s (1.26 km/h) until the individual reaches exhaustion.

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During the test, it is important to encourage the participant vocally, providing support and motivation. However, holding onto the handrails is only permitted when getting onto the treadmill.

Scoring the MART

The result of the MART is determined by the highest speed achieved during the test. From this, a measure of anaerobic power can be calculated using a specific formula, expressed in Additionally, the test can be used to calculate maximal aerobic power based on the speed of the last completed 20-second run, factoring in the exhaustion time for subsequent uncompleted sprints.

If blood lactate measurements are taken throughout the test, it is possible to evaluate the athlete’s sprinting economy by comparing the lactate and power measurements. Peak lactate levels can also be determined, providing further insights into an individual’s performance.

Target Population

The MART is primarily designed for testing sprinters (400m), runners (800m to 10K), and cross country skiers using poles on the treadmill. It can also be modified into the Maximal Anaerobic Cycling Test (MACT) to assess speed skaters, cyclists, ice hockey players, and figure skaters.

Additional Notes

  • For safety purposes, it is recommended to attach a harness connected to the treadmill brake to the athlete during the sprints.
  • The MART enables blood lactate measures to be taken throughout the test for further analysis.
  • The test was developed by the Research Institute for Olympic Sports in Jyvaskyla, Finland, and has been modified in some studies with changes to the treadmill incline, starting speed, and step increases.
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For more information about the MART, please visit Auralpressure.


Q: What is the purpose of the MART?
The MART is designed to assess anaerobic power and recovery capacity during sprint activities.

Q: What equipment do I need to perform the MART?
To conduct the MART, you will need a treadmill that can be adjusted to various gradients and a stopwatch.


The Maximal Anaerobic Running Test (MART) is a valuable tool for athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to evaluate their anaerobic power and recovery capabilities. By performing this test, individuals can gain insights into their performance and tailor their training programs accordingly. Remember to prioritize safety and follow the recommended procedures when conducting the test.

For more information, visit Auralpressure.