Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

AFL Sprint Recovery Test

The AFL Sprint Recovery Test is a valuable tool for evaluating an individual’s ability to maintain speed and reduce fatigue during repeated sprints. This test specifically targets anaerobic capacity, which is crucial for recovering between sprints and consistently producing high levels of power. By conducting this test, athletes and coaches can gain insights into their performance and make informed decisions about training and conditioning strategies.


The primary purpose of the AFL Sprint Recovery Test is to assess anaerobic capacity and the ability to recover quickly between sprints. Anaerobic capacity is the energy system responsible for short bursts of intense activity, such as sprinting. By measuring an individual’s performance in this test, it is possible to evaluate their anaerobic capacity and determine if they can maintain consistent speed and power output throughout multiple sprints.

Equipment Required

To conduct the AFL Sprint Recovery Test, several pieces of equipment are necessary. These include timing gates, a measuring tape, a stopwatch, marker cones, and a track that is at least 50 meters long. The timing gates are used to accurately measure the time taken for each sprint, while the marker cones are placed to indicate the turning points.

Test Setup

The test setup requires the marking of two lines or the use of tape on the track, which should be 30 meters apart. The timing gates are positioned at these points, and two cones are placed 10 meters beyond each end of the 30-meter distance, creating a turning area for the runner.

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Test Procedure

During the AFL Sprint Recovery Test, the participant begins by placing their preferred foot at the starting line and then sprinting at maximum effort for 30 meters. It is important to maintain maximum speed throughout the sprint and not slow down before reaching the end. A stopwatch is started at the first movement of the runner and is left running to measure the total cumulative time. The time for each sprint is recorded using the timing gate system.

After completing each sprint, the runner turns at the cones and makes their way to the opposite end of the track, ready for the next sprint. The direction of the sprint alternates with each repetition. The next 30-meter sprint starts 20 seconds after the previous one began. This cycle continues until six sprints are completed.


The score for the AFL Sprint Recovery Test is determined by the total time taken for all six sprints. In the 2008 AFL draft camp, the top 10 results ranged from 24.8 to 25.5 seconds. Additionally, a fatigue index can be calculated by comparing the time of the first and last sprints. For more information on AFL draft camp results, visit the Auralpressure website.

Target Population

Although initially designed for AFL, the AFL Sprint Recovery Test is suitable for various multi-sprint sports, including basketball, hockey, rugby, and soccer. Athletes from these sports can utilize this test to evaluate their anaerobic capacity and improve their performance in competitions.

The Test in Action

It’s interesting to note that the AFL Sprint Recovery Test was once a part of the Australian Rules Football (AFL) draft camp. This demonstrates the significance and relevance of this test in the context of professional sports.

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Similar Tests

There are several similar tests that assess anaerobic capacity and sprint performance. Some examples include the Phosphate Recovery Test, the Sprint Fatigue Test, the FIFA Interval Test 1, the Repeat Sprint Ability Test, the RAST, and the Cycling Repeat Sprint Test. These tests target different aspects of anaerobic capacity and sprinting abilities, providing athletes and coaches with a range of options to evaluate specific areas of performance.


  • What is the purpose of the AFL Sprint Recovery Test?
  • How is the score determined in this test?
  • Can athletes from sports other than AFL use this test?
  • What are some similar tests that assess anaerobic capacity?


The AFL Sprint Recovery Test is a valuable tool for assessing an individual’s anaerobic capacity and ability to recover quickly between sprints. By conducting this test, athletes and coaches gain insights into their performance and can tailor training strategies accordingly. Whether you are an AFL player or participate in multi-sprint sports, this test can help you understand your anaerobic capabilities and improve your overall performance on the field.