Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Handgrip Dynamometer Calibration

Great care is taken to ensure accurate handgrip strength test measurements, but sometimes the accuracy of the measurement tool itself is overlooked. Age, overuse, drops, and hydraulic system leaks can affect the dynamometer’s performance.

Regular calibration of handgrip dynamometers is necessary to ensure reliable and accurate results. While some dynamometers have easy calibration methods, others may need to be sent back to the manufacturer, or in some cases, calibration may not even be possible.

Reliability and Accuracy of Handgrip Measurement

Reliability refers to the consistency and reproducibility of the measurement when the test is repeated. To measure reliability, you can compare the results of multiple handgrip tests. However, factors such as fatigue or technique differences between tests can affect the reliability. To obtain accurate and reliable results, it is recommended to follow a standardized testing procedure using known weights or forces.


To calibrate a handgrip dynamometer, you will need standard weights (e.g. 5, 10, 20 kg or pounds) and velcro straps. The calibration process involves loading the dynamometer with weights and lifting them off the floor using the handle. The weight distribution should be even, and the lifting motion should be slow and smooth.

For each weight, repeat the procedure three times and record the results. The dynamometer should be accurate within 2-3% based on the average of the three calibration trials. If the calibration is not within this range, adjustments may need to be made on the device or the dynamometer may need to be sent to the manufacturer for repair and recalibration.

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Recalibrating the Device

If a handgrip dynamometer is found to be poorly calibrated, it may need to be recalibrated. Some devices have built-in adjustment options for recalibration, while others may require sending it back to the manufacturer.

In cases where recalibration is not possible, the calibration results can be used to manually adjust the recorded measurements. For example, if the calibration reveals that the device consistently measures 10% less, you can add 10% to the measured value for each subsequent measurement.


Q: How often should a handgrip dynamometer be calibrated?

A: Handgrip dynamometers should be calibrated regularly to maintain reliable and accurate results. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for calibration frequency.

Q: Can I calibrate a handgrip dynamometer myself?

A: Calibrating a handgrip dynamometer can be done by following the proper procedures using standard weights. However, some dynamometers may require professional calibration or adjustments.

Q: What should I do if my handgrip dynamometer is not accurately calibrated?

A: If your handgrip dynamometer is not accurate after calibration, check if there are any built-in adjustment options. If not, contact the manufacturer for assistance with recalibration or repairs.


Calibrating a handgrip dynamometer is crucial to ensure reliable and accurate measurements of handgrip strength. By following proper calibration procedures and addressing any calibration issues, users can trust the results provided by their handgrip dynamometers.

For more information and high-quality handgrip dynamometers, visit Auralpressure.


  • Ewing-Fess, E., The need for reliability and validity in hand assessment instruments. J Hand Surg. 1986;11A:621-623.
  • Ewing-Fess, E., “A Method for Checking Jamar Dynamometer Calibration,” Journal of Hand Therapy 1.1:28-32, 1987.
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