Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Sweat Measurement Using Skin Patches

A sweat collection patch is a convenient tool that can be used to measure sweat rate and analyze electrolyte content. It is applied to the skin and can be used on various parts of the body. This method is particularly useful for collecting sweat samples for hydration analysis. If you’re interested in measuring total body sweat rate, the body weight method is recommended. Another option for collecting sweat samples is through absorbent sweat collection patches.

How to Use Sweat Collection Patches

  1. Prepare the patches: Sweat collection patches should be prepared in a standard size. One popular method is using paraffin film cut into the desired shape and sticking it onto a rectangle of clear tape.

  2. Patch placement: There are many possible sites on the skin that can be used for sweat collection. The choice of site depends on the purpose of testing. Commonly used sites include the upper back, chest, forearm, thigh, and forehead. If standard sites are used, they should be measured and marked for correct placement.

  3. Preparation: Before applying the patch, shave off any hair from the desired site and clean the skin with alcohol wipes or wash it with de-ionized water. Allow the area to dry before applying the patch.

  4. Applying the patch: Stick the sweat patch onto the desired site. Make sure it is secure and well-adhered to the skin.

  5. Exercise and collection: After a predetermined exercise time, open the top of the patch and use a pipette to siphon off the collected sweat. Transfer the sweat to a container and weigh it.

  6. Calculating results: You can calculate the sweat rate by dividing the volume of sweat collected by the area of the skin. If you’re using a patch like the example illustrated, the area of the skin can be calculated as (a x b) + (c x d). You can also send the collected sweat for analysis to determine the electrolyte composition.

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Considerations for Reliable Results

To ensure reliability when retesting the subject or comparing athletes, it is important to accurately place the patches and standardize the testing conditions. This includes maintaining the same exercise intensity, duration, clothing, and environment.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Some advantages of using sweat collection patches include the ability to collect sweat during various exercise modes. However, it is important to note that sweat composition and sweat rate can vary across different regions of the body.


Q: What is the purpose of using sweat patches?

A: The purpose of using sweat patches is to collect a sample of sweat for measurement and analysis.

Q: Where can sweat collection patches be applied?

A: Sweat collection patches can be applied to various parts of the body, depending on the purpose of testing. Common sites include the upper back, chest, forearm, thigh, and forehead.

Q: How can sweat rate be calculated?

A: Sweat rate can be calculated by dividing the volume of sweat collected by the area of the skin.

Q: Are there any disadvantages to using sweat collection patches?

A: One disadvantage is that sweat composition and sweat rate can vary across different regions of the body.


Sweat measurement using skin patches is a convenient and effective method for determining sweat rate and analyzing electrolyte content. By following the proper procedures and considering factors that affect reliability, accurate measurements can be obtained. Sweat collection patches offer the advantage of collecting sweat during different exercise modes, providing valuable insights into hydration levels. To learn more about sweat analysis methods and hydration for sports, visit Auralpressure.

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