Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Rating of Perceived Exertion – CR100 (centiMax) Scale

The Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale, also known as the Borg Scale, is a widely used method for determining exercise intensity levels based on subjective choices of descriptions of the exercise intensity. There are various versions of the scale available, including the RPE 1-10, RPE 1-20, and the more nuanced CR100 (centiMax) scale, which ranges from 0 to 100.

On the CR100 scale, the verbal descriptors are placed where they correspond on a ratio scale. The scale begins at 0, described as “nothing at all,” and ends at 100, denoting maximum exertion. The scale includes descriptors such as minimal, extremely weak, very weak, weak, moderate, somewhat strong, strong, very strong, and extremely strong, interspersed in between.

It’s worth noting that the maximum level on the scale is determined based on the individual’s previous experience with maximal perceived exertion. The scale also allows for an absolute maximum value, which can be a number above 100, if the individual indicates an intensity they have never before encountered or experienced.

To ensure clarity and consistency, it is important to have a standard introduction and explanation of the instructions when using the CR100 scale. For example, researchers Molander et al. (2013) used the following instructions:

“Use this rating scale to evaluate the intensity of your experience, whether it be related to effort, pain, or another factor. The level marked as 100 (“Maximum”) is a significant point of reference on the scale. It represents the strongest experience or feeling you have ever had, such as the highest level of effort. However, it is possible to imagine or experience something even stronger. To account for that, the scale includes an “Absolute maximum” above 100, indicated by a “•” symbol. If your experience or feeling surpasses 100, you can assign a higher number. In most cases, our experiences do not reach the intensity of 100, and numbers below 2-3 are usually not required. The scale operates as a percentage scale, and there is a strong correlation between the verbal expressions and the numerical values.”

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The CR100 scale, with its comprehensive range of descriptors and the inclusion of an absolute maximum option, provides a valuable tool for accurately assessing exercise intensity levels.


Q: What is the purpose of the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale?
A: The RPE Scale is used to determine exercise intensity levels based on an individual’s subjective perception of exertion. It helps individuals monitor and manage their effort and provides valuable information for trainers and researchers.

Q: How does the CR100 (centiMax) scale differ from other versions of the RPE Scale?
A: The CR100 scale offers a more finely-graded approach, ranging from 0 to 100, with carefully placed verbal descriptors. The scale allows for a greater level of detail in assessing perceived exertion compared to other versions.

Q: Can the CR100 scale be used for activities other than exercise?
A: Yes, the CR100 scale can be applied to various activities where perceived exertion is a relevant factor. It can be used to evaluate effort, pain, or any other subjective experience associated with different tasks.

Q: Why is it important to have standardized instructions when using the CR100 scale?
A: Standardized instructions ensure consistency and accurate interpretation of the scale across different individuals and studies. They provide clear guidelines on how to rate and interpret perceived exertion, enhancing the reliability and validity of the results.


The CR100 (centiMax) scale is a valuable tool for assessing exercise intensity levels based on an individual’s subjective perception of exertion. With its nuanced range of descriptors and the inclusion of an absolute maximum option, the scale offers a comprehensive and reliable way to monitor and manage exercise intensity. By using standardized instructions, researchers and trainers can ensure consistency and accuracy in the interpretation of perceived exertion ratings. The CR100 scale is a valuable asset in understanding the individual responses to exercise and optimizing training programs.

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For more information about the Rating of Perceived Exertion – CR100 (centiMax) Scale and its applications, visit Auralpressure.