Thursday, 19 Sep 2024


TREC, also known as Techniques de Randonnée Équestre de Compétition, is a competitive French equestrian discipline that tests the endurance of both the horse and the rider. In this article, we will explore the different aspects of TREC and how it is structured.

The Three Legs of TREC

TREC competitions consist of three legs that form a single race:

POR (Parcours d’Orientation et de Régularité)

POR, or mounted orienteering, requires riders to navigate through control points while maintaining a fixed speed. The length of this leg varies depending on the rider’s level, ranging from 10km for beginners to up to 45km for advanced riders. Riders start with 240 points and are penalized for any infractions. The objective of this leg is to finish with the lowest deducted penalty points.

CoP (Maîtrise des Allures)

The CoP leg focuses on the rider’s control over their horse during the canter and walk. Riders are required to canter their horse at a slow pace along a marked corridor that is 2-4m wide and up to 150m long. They then must turn around and walk the horse back. The pace of the canter and walk determines the rider’s score, which can be up to 60 points.

PTV (Parcours en Terrain Varié)

PTV is an obstacle course consisting of up to 16 obstacles. Riders can score up to 10 points on each obstacle based on their performance. This leg tests the horse’s agility and the rider’s ability to navigate different challenges.

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At the end of the race, the rider with the highest overall score from all three legs is declared the winner.

Similar Sports

TREC shares similarities with other equestrian disciplines. Here are a few examples:

  • Eventing: Eventing involves three types of races—dressage, cross-country, and show jumping—all in a single competition.
  • Mounted Orienteering: Similar to TREC’s POR leg, mounted orienteering requires participants to navigate from start to end through control points.
  • Cross-Country Equestrian: In cross-country equestrian, riders must jump over multiple obstacles within a fixed time, facing penalties for exceeding the time limit or failure to clear an obstacle.
  • Dressage: Dressage involves riders and horses performing a series of predetermined events from memory.
  • Show Jumping: Show jumping requires riders to cleanly jump over sets of obstacles within a specific time.
  • Endurance Riding: Endurance riding focuses on races over long distances, testing the stamina and endurance of both the rider and the horse.


Q: How long does a TREC race typically last?
A TREC race is scheduled to be completed in one or two days, depending on the event’s organization.

Q: Is TREC popular outside of France?
While TREC originated in France, it has gained popularity in other countries as well. The sport is now recognized internationally and has its own international governing body.

Q: Can anyone participate in TREC competitions?
Yes, TREC competitions are open to riders of all levels. There are different categories based on the rider’s experience and skill level.


TREC is a challenging and rewarding equestrian discipline that tests the endurance, control, and agility of both horse and rider. With its three legs focusing on mounted orienteering, control of gaits, and obstacle navigation, TREC offers an exciting and diverse competition for equestrian enthusiasts. If you’re interested in learning more about TREC and experiencing this unique sport, visit Auralpressure for further information and resources.

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