Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Max Touch: The Ultimate Vertical Leap Test for Basketball Players

The Max Touch Vertical Leap Test is a basketball-specific assessment that evaluates a player’s explosive leg power and coordinated jumping mechanics, taking into consideration their natural height and wingspan. This test plays a crucial role in analyzing key elements of the game of basketball. It is a variation of the standing vertical jump, resembling the running vertical jump with a two-legged or one-legged take-off.

Purpose of the Test

The primary goal of the Max Touch Vertical Leap Test is to measure the maximum jump reach height above the ground. By understanding a player’s jump capabilities, coaches and trainers can gain valuable insights into their athletic performance and potential.

Equipment Required

To conduct the Max Touch Vertical Leap Test, you will need a Vertec® or a similar apparatus, along with several marker cones. These tools will accurately measure and record the height of the jump.

Test Setup and Procedure

The arms of the Vertec® jump measuring device are adjusted to a set distance off the floor, eliminating the need for measuring standing reach. Marker cones are placed 15 feet away from the base of the Vertec®, allowing players to approach from various angles.

During the test, the athlete stands 15 feet away from the Vertec® or a similar apparatus. They have the freedom to choose whether to jump with one or two feet and can take any number of steps before the jump. As the athlete approaches the Vertec®, they jump and touch the Vertec® fingers, which record the height of the jump. The “touch” height above the court floor is then recorded.

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Scoring and Results

The maximum jump height achieved by the player is recorded as a distance from the ground, rounded to the nearest centimeter or half-inch. This score provides an accurate representation of the player’s vertical leap ability.

Notable Results

US Decathlete Bryan Clay achieved an impressive 11 feet 1 inch (3.38 meters) in the Max Touch Vertical Leap Test during a SPARQ testing exercise in 2005, as published in SPARQ Magazine (Summer 2008). This test has also been widely used in the NBA draft combine and the Basketball SPARQ testing.

Target Population

The Max Touch Vertical Leap Test is particularly applicable to basketball, volleyball, and AFL (Australian Football League) players. These sports heavily rely on explosive leg power and jumping abilities, making this test highly relevant for assessing and improving performance in these disciplines.

The Test in Action

This test is widely employed in the Basketball SPARQ testing and is an integral part of the NBA draft combine. It has proven to be an effective tool for evaluating the vertical jump capabilities of basketball players at various levels.

Similar Tests

Several tests share similarities with the Max Touch Vertical Leap Test, including:

  • Running jump off two legs and one leg take-off
  • Vertical Jump Testing using the Vertec® or just a wall
  • Vertical Jump Testing using a timing mat
  • Testing Vertical Jump at home

Related Pages

For more information about basketball SPARQ testing, vertical jump demonstration videos, vertical jump techniques, various vertical jump equipment options, apparatus for sale in the vertical jump store, and a list of anaerobic tests for leg power, visit Auralpressure.

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  1. How does the Max Touch Vertical Leap Test differ from other vertical jump tests?
    The Max Touch Vertical Leap Test specifically caters to the needs of basketball players, taking into account their natural height and wingspan. This test provides a comprehensive assessment of explosive leg power and jumping mechanics, making it particularly relevant for basketball performance evaluation.

  2. Can the Max Touch Vertical Leap Test be conducted without a Vertec® or similar device?
    While the Vertec® is the recommended apparatus for accurate measurements, it is possible to conduct a modified version of the test using alternative equipment or a wall as a reference point. However, the results may not be as precise.


The Max Touch Vertical Leap Test is an essential tool for basketball players and coaches looking to enhance their performance. By measuring maximum jump reach height and evaluating explosive leg power and coordinated jumping mechanics, this test provides valuable insights into a player’s abilities and overall potential on the court. Incorporate the Max Touch Vertical Leap Test into your training and evaluation process to unlock new levels of athleticism and success in basketball.